4 winners for 1/9/3 -- pix & deals. Chitlangi & M43 included.

Mar 5, 1999
Again, forgive the failing photo system and photographer.

top -- 21 inch 34 ounce Chitlangi by the whiz kid. You can tell Sher is his mentor. Fine execution. The only thing that keeps this rig from falling into the perfect category is this: Shanker polished too heavily on left side of blade and took out his brass inlay. Sher wouldn't make this mistake but outside of that it's a 10/10 effort -- beautifully fullered. If we ever get enough Chitlangis to stick them on the shopping site price for the 21 incher will be $175. This one goes today for $125 -- fifty bucks saving.

no 2 -- 18.5 inch 33 ounce AK by the whiz kid. It looks like Sher's work. Has the famous Sher "almost convex" edge and execution is excellent. Beautiful glow in the dark saatisal handle. Not a thing wrong with this one. Yours for $50 off regular at $95.

no 3 -- 18.5 inch 29 ounce AK by the old master, Bura. I guess that says it all. Beautiful horn handle with white streaks. You can't find a better khukuri. Delivered to your door for $95.

bottom -- 17.5 inch 28 ounce M43 by Kumar. Usual good work by Kumar. Can't find a thing wrong with it. Take it home today for $125 and probably a UBBB.

Call or email to get any or all of thes winners.


  • 1-9-3 -- 4 winners..jpg
    1-9-3 -- 4 winners..jpg
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I just bought a WWII the other day....the CFO would kill me to see another come in real soon...Hey Uncle will you have the M43 at the get together in March? If not put this one to the side and give me a night to make the wife happy:Demail sent
The "cure" for that can be dadgummed expensive. It consists of handing over the credit card and saying, "here honey, why don't you buy yourself something nice".:rolleyes: :D

Originally posted by Sylvrfalcn
The "cure" for that can be dadgummed expensive. It consists of handing over the credit card and saying, "here honey, why don't you buy yourself something nice".:rolleyes: :D


That's one of the reasons I am not married anymore...:D

Don't have to worry about that crap. :D
Chitlangi gone. Nobody wants the AKs at $95. We're fat on 18 inchers so take them for $75 and let's see if we can move them out of here.
If I did'nt already have virtually the exact same knife, by the exact same kami, I would not hesitate to jump on that nice AK by Shanker. The 18" AK is a very sweet khuk, and Shanker does 'em right. You'd have to look hard to find one with better balance and handling, and I'd have to admit, my two AKs by Shanker are probably my sharpest khuks for taking and holding an edge.

Somebody grab it, or I'm liable to, just out of orneriness. Hey I could scare heck out of my neighbors doing two khuk katas in my back yard with a matched set of AKs. I would'nt have a clue what I was doing, but that would just add to their terror.:eek: :rolleyes:

Missed out on the M43. Could not log onto the website today until just a few minutes ago. Did anyone else have problems?

Yea I keep getting "server too busy", or something like that. So, when is someone going to take the 18.5" by Shanker. It is getting too tempting:(
It's all yours Logan1, I just had to buy that chiruwa Tarwar with the boogered up tip. Doesn't help that I was listening to Wagner when Uncle posted it, Das Rheingold.:D

Originally posted by btice
Missed out on the M43. Could not log onto the website today until just a few minutes ago. Did anyone else have problems?


Yup!!!! All dayumed morning!!!! But I have to say on the other hand that it's the first time in quite a while, but once is once too dayumed often IMO!!!!:(