50 Years Old

Dec 20, 2000
Dear Everyone on this forum:

Just thought I'd mention (Roger knows) that I just turned 50 today. One of the things that I have found that has made me very happy is the Khukuris of Nepal. Where in the world could one with over 30 years of knife colecting experience find a set of handmade knives for the prices that Bill charges with such beauty and creation?

I also buy from the other Khukuris website, but the thing I have found is that from both there is a warmth and creativity that is lacking from other "custom" makers, and I'm so glad that I contracted HIKV.

Thanks a lot for being there and being what an "oldster" needed at a critical time in his life.

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu
50 isn't old. It's 51 that is scary.

Nice words for HI though and you're dealing with an honourable man when you deal with Bill and Kami Pala.

Rene, Happy birthday!
I am only 6 months away from 50 myself...
So, I guess it's not the end of the world.
Remember, growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional!

--Mike L.

What goes around...comes around.
Happy Birthday, DD. Don't sweat it, I'm approaching that milestone myself. For all you kiddies out there who think 50 is ancient, don't blink. You'll be there before you know it... if you're lucky.


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
When we get older we find that we are able to take the time to enjoy things that when we were younger, just blew by us.

Best to you Rene on your birthday!!

Good knives.
Good Guns.
A Good woman.
Good drink.
Good food.
A Good cigar.
Good music.
A secret fishing hole.

These are my essentials as I approach 50.


Don't let getting older get you down - remember, it beats the hell out of the alternative
you can't control the ticking of the biologic clock, but you have potentially a great deal of control over your attitude about it. As someone who's been 50 for 11 months, my sole advice--and I'm saying this as a reminder to myself as much as anything--is to be sure to make time for reflection and to enjoy the little nuggets life throws your way. As they say, to stop and smell the roses. Or maybe chop some kindling. Because when you reach our age,with the mounting responsibilities of midlife, time has a way of accelerating like a runaway train.
Happy birthday, and many more!
I'm seven months ahead of you. Good time of life.

Still young enough to do and enjoy, old enough to remind you to do now the things you wanted while there's time.
Happy Birthday, Rene! As for worrying about turning 50, I would say to those who ask, that you're too busy having fun to be concerned about turning 50.



[This message has been edited by Apothecary (edited 01-21-2001).]
Happy, Happy Rene!!



Stay sharp and be Safe!
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That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.
F.W. Nietzche
I always found that meeting for breakfast with the local mortician once a week helped me maintain a better perspective.

His only fault was a compulsion to straighten out ties that were askew. The problem was he could never seem to get it right with someone who was still vertical.
Rene --- Yahdikumu-(A)llaah! I guess it must be great to be 50! Insyaa-Alaah! I'll join your club in a couple of years time ...

Hafiz Shirazi wrote in his Rubaiyat ...
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">This tired life is the flood of age,
With a full cup began this outrage.
Wake up, and see the carrier of time
Slowly carries you along life’s passage</font>

Happy Birthday DD. Welcome to the Old Farts Club.

[This message has been edited by seegarman (edited 01-22-2001).]
Happy birthday DD. Making it to 50 isn't at all bad. Hopefully you've already had your mid-life crisis. Those can take the shine right off a birthday.

Peace and Prosperity to You

"To know and to act are one."
Happy Birthday DD, 50 is a ways off for me yet but if I can still swing a khukuri then, I will be happy. You seem ahead of the game to me.
Hope you had a "goot un" DD!!!

50 ain't nuthin.


Indin word for lousy hunter.