6" PBF 1911 Scales

Jan 15, 2003
I was doing some work today and had some 1911 grips out and a set of PBF's.A pair of full size 1911 grips fits on the 6" PBF and the holes line up with slots in handle.Thought that was sort of cool.You would need to get a screw to go thru and also the grips need to be sanded to fit after they are secured in place.It seems like it would be rather easy to make work and for you 1911 fans think how that would be.I guess any auto grips may fit but only tried the 1911.I havn't posted much lately because I have been busy with business,home,kids etc.. I still have to make something for my set.
Take Care,

If memory serves... There was a post a while back about dream 1911/insert handgun model here grips made of micarta. If we could get someone to do it, I think that would be not only cool but would dress my pistol and knife combos in like garments. Get on it Jerry!
Hi SH,
If you put the 1911 grips on a PBF you have to sand the grips down some to shape and you won't have the exact 1911 contour.The idea is to use some grips with the medalions that you like and still have the basic shape.Anyone who knows guns would see it and know there 1911 grips.
I suppose you could fit the grips on and use a filler so the grips would retain the same shape and size.
Sounds cool but how do they look and feel? Also
wouldn't you need some type of threaded bushing in
between the screws?