I managed to reprofile my 710HS down to 30 degrees with the Sharpmaker and the edge is nowhere near weak. After reprofiling, I stabbed the point repeatedly into a scratching post and it's still just as sharp as it was before. I did that with the 806D2 before and learned that I can restore a point with enough patience, but the 710HS held up to the task.
Musky Hunter, a regular here and on the Benchmade forum, performed some gruelling tests comparing his 710HS to his Delica and Griptillian where he used the blades to reshape rubber pistol handles, cut through pencils and aluminum cans, and cut through wiring materials. The 710HS was the clear champ of those tests.
I want to perform some of Musky's tests to reconfirm the glory of the 710HS or even to see it get spanked by Delica or Griptillian, but that'll be later.