80crv2 vs Cruwear Steel Comparison

They're barely comparable as they're very, very different in many aspects. 80crv2 is a much simpler steel whereas Cruwear is a high alloy tool steel.

What might be most helpful is what aspects are you interested in comparing? Cruwear is pretty much better in every way except that it costs a lot more and cruwear won't win out massively in the toughness category.

The best place to find objective info is knifesteelnerds website.
17 pages of knowledge from the master…..

CRUWEAR has all the toughness of 80crv2 and much better edge retention and moderately better corrosion resistance...hence why its noticeably more expensive.
At 60HRC, 80CrV2 toughness is 30-35 ft/lbs
At 60HRC, CruWear toughness is 25-30 ft/lbs

This difference in toughness is very, very minute, practically the same.
But CruWear has much better edge retention, and is almost stainless. CruWear is also more expensive and requires proper heat treatment to get the most out of it.