A bottle opener....and just a bottle opener!

Apr 7, 2002
I'd really like a simple pocket-sized bottle opener but I am having trouble finding one. Ideally I'd find one in Stainless Steel or Titanium and about 4 inches long...
This Hackman Tools Citterio Collective Bottle Opener is nice but, at 6 inches, a little big.


Your help would be appreciated, as ever.
Originally posted by Steven Andrews
Thanks Jason, :barf: ,you have just made the Citterio look even more attractive!

Did you look at all of them? I have owned one similar to their standard model, and was very impressed at the time (I was in college, and popped quite a few tops;)) Some of the ones we used to have also had a part for lifting pull taps for canned drinks. Pretty nice and very compact.

Of course you could always check this company out. They look like they carry fine products.

This one is like the ones I had in college, and was found here.
I have several from Bison. They work great as hidden bottle openers.

There's this one from the MoMA store. It's 4".
My vote goes to the bottle opener on any Victorinox SAK. Hey, you get a can opener, too, and a whole bunch of other stuff ... ;)
Steven - is that a stainless one or titanium please?

Can you let me have some details of where you found it?


They do a cast iron one and nickel plated. Around 50p. The website no longer accepts online orders, you'll have to phone them.
They are phoning me back - they're not sure if they'll accept my very small order, although the welcome page states "no minimum order".


Just ordered the lovely Hackman opener too, for use at home. Couldn't resist. But £24!!
Steven - what a splendid type of online store :D

If you have not allready ordered and fancy doing me a favour can you add a cast iron & a nickle plated to your order and I will see you allright when I get my new glasses :D

I understand if not.

BTW have you visited britishblades.com
yet ?
Come on guys!
Do what I do...
Buy an Emerson Commander with the "wave".
It works just fine as a bottle opener;)