A friend of mine suffered at the hands of my AK !!

Feb 13, 2002
I knew that would get your'e attention, a friend of my fiancee' came to visit us for the New Year celebration and her boyfriend came along. I had to show him my HI collection but out it off as some people get very nervous when I pull out my Tarwar and khukuri's (dunno why !!). Anyway Jill told Wayne about my knives and he immediatley asked to see them. He immediately asked me where he could get one and I steered him in the direction of the Chiruwa, which we ordered straight away. He kept saying, how do I know I will get it and said because of Uncle Bill. He was nervous and kept saying let's pay right this minute but we needed his girlfriends card details so we had to wait, he thought he was going to loose the deal but I said if Uncle says it's yours dont' worry. Anyway, he phoned me last night in desperation and excitement to get his khuk - he'll be happy.

Thanks Uncle

PS - When I asked uncle what he'd recommend him as a first time user, in all Uncle's wisdom he said "not to cut himself !!!"


I haven't been posting much lately cos I'm having a ruff time right now but I still check in everyday. The cantina is a place where I always smile not matter how bad things get !!

Regards and blessings
It does my heart good to see someone pass on HIKV (sniff!). Good job Brendan :p

Hang in there too... rough times always pass!

I think we have all had some hard times some where
along the line. Just hang in there and things will smooth out. You may look back on the hard times you have now and think it really wasn't that bad.
"Keep on Truck'in" :)
yeah, today's hard times can seem like pleasant dreams from the perspective of the future. Young, bright, armed and in love. What's not to like? My neighbors drove a couple hundred miles this Thanksgiving to help pass out dinner to the old folks at the Home. They didn't know anyone there, they just did it because. I can roam the fields and mountains for perspective when I get down. I don't know what you can roam in Britain, but there must be something or somewhere.

The Yorkshire Mores are a big help but then I find myself thinking too much - sometimes time must be the cure and you gotta take the bad days with the good !!

Thanks for kind words fellas !!

The Yorkshire Mores are a big help but then I find myself thinking too much - sometimes time must be the cure and you gotta take the bad days with the good !!

Hope all turns out for the best Brendan! I've wanted to wander the Yorkshire mores ever since I read "All creatures great and small":) I've heard its VERY beautiful there!
Chin up Brendan. Life can be a bumpy road sometimes, but the bumps and potholes are either tests or lessons for us. We pass the tests by heeding the lessons.

Easy it is not but worth it in the long run I know it is !!

Like khukuris which gain character with use and sometimes abuse, so do us humans !!


forgive me for being a little philosophical
