A.G. Russell One-Handed Knife?

Aug 18, 1999
Has anyone had experience with these knives? I'm thinking of doing some early Christmas shopping for some non-"knife guys" in my family that I know will appreciate a good pocket knife as long as it won't scare their co-workers to death. I'm leaning towards the models that have the scales attached.

Thanks for any feedback.
From a "fit and finish" standpoint I think they're lovely (they are Seki-made, right?) They have nice grinds, an attractive shape, and a good overall finish. I've seen some rough surfaces in the hard-to-reach areas, but that's natural. They're very slim and I think you'll find they feel and look smaller than you might expect from the dimesnsions.

My gripe is with the lock. I've handled several A.G. Russell one-handers and a Crawford of similar design, and on all I found the lock stiff and difficult. The slim handle offers little purchase and the lock requires enough force that when it does release it can be a bit startling and I've seen many folks nearly get cut. I eventually learned how to close them one-handed, but I never felt safe doing it and I decidedly don't like it, even with two hands. It's secure and workable, but I can't imagine being able to close it with the unconscious ease that midlocks, linerlocks, and the Axis-lock allow after only a little practice.

In short, nice knives, but if you have another choice with a more conventional lock, I'd take that.

I purchased one with Ivory Micarta scales a while back. I personally thought the knife was over priced ( $145 at the time ). Certainly the fit and finish was not in the same league as my AlMar folders-and they cost less.
I can definately recommend the Moki own brand knives which are very well made and priced cheaper. They are also attractive to look at and should not cause alarm to onlookers

I have both the small version of the original One Hand and the Featherlight which uses the same locking mechanism. I have enjoyed both knives and never had a problem with the locking mechanism.


I have found the best way to close these knives with one hand to be gripping the lock between the thumb and middle or ring finger while pushing the blade closed with the forefinger. This reduces the stress on the lock and keeps all of the fingers out of the blade path.
Yes, that's the method I eventually came to. I still found it awkward and worried about dropping the knife, though. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's far from being a "better mousetrap" compared to more conventional locks.

I love the design. I had one with Micarta handle scales. I grew to have some contempt for the steel (AUS-8 on mine), and the lock would give with a light bump.

The Russel/Horn folder is a great little pocket knife.

David Boye's lightweight lockbacks make great gifts. Great steel, light, good locks.

Tahnks for the input...now I have to just decide on what to get....The Boye knives are looking good. 1. I personally don't care for liner (Walker) locks; 2. There are some choices in blade art so that helps in the "personalization" as a gift; 3. I've heard nothing but good things about the steel.

Thanks Again :-)
I've had one since they first came out and really like the AGRussell "general purpose" blade shape.It's flat and carries well in the rear pants pocket in a wallet or behind it.
Since joining the forum I've learned much about knife and lock strength that I never knew such as the spine whack test.This has made me question many of the knives I've had around for years.So I can't comment on this aspect of the knife.
