A Knife friend indeed

Oct 11, 2001
Here’s my newest knife, courtesy of fellow formite Greg McKenna. I haven’t been able to pursue knife collecting much lately because we’re moving from one end of Colorado to the other. My wife and kid are still in Denver while we sell our house and I drive five hours one way to see them on weekends. I don’t have a computer now except for when I’m at work.

Anyway, I had to work a Sunday night a while back and thought I would bid on this eBay knife while I waited for my phone call. I hit it once but then got my phone call right as the auction was ending. Greg won the auction and immediately emailed me that it was mine at the winning price if I wanted it because he saw I had bid on it. (I think I was the third or fourth highest bidder).

He also threw in a Cripple Creek box and a Parker’s catalog that listed a bunch of Creeks so I would have a better handle on prices. (He even took this picture and sent it to me).

I met Greg here on Bladeforums. He’s greatly increased my knife collecting knowledge in general and with Cripple Creeks in particular. I haven’t met him in person or talked to him on the phone, but I hope that changes in the near future. I think his actions say a lot for the type of people that make up Bladeforums. I hope he’s not POed that I outed his good deed in public. I owe someone else here a good deed one day, and I’m looking forward to doing it when the chance arrives.

Thanks for putting up with a long post.

Greg is an okay guy,but don't get between him and a Bose that is on a table at a knife show.You'll get ran over.:)

LOL. You're right, I wouldn't want to be in the way. And he does already have three of these five bladed sows, but I think he's also got way deeper pockets than I do.

You guys are major league collectors, I'm in the minor leagues. Probably single "A" at that. I'd have to live in a tent if I bought a Tony or Reese Bose.

Well hell fellas. Everyone shares what they know to be true and what they have ample of. Don't they? Just glad to have been of some help.
Does this mean I won't see you at Tanner anymore:( Where have you moved to buddy? Colorado's not THAT big, let us know when you're going to be in the area
I smile every time I read this thread.
Greg's got a herd of three-legged buffalo that would make Kevin Costner and the entire Sioux nation drool. :D