A knife, some salt and a few matches

Oct 20, 2000
The above items are what are usually allocated to commandos in training. I reckon if the commando has been taught all the basics of survival, he should be able to emerge from a hostile environment alive and maybe even thriving.

Can we civilians or rather non-combatants do just as well with such meagre supplies and rations?

A friend of mine once took part in a survival course. He was only given one pack of instant noodles, some matches and a raincoat (I think). Of course, the trainer was within shouting distance. The course participant had to survive on his own for two days.

My guess is for different types of terrain, survival techniques would differ but a well trained survivalist can survive in any environment.

Not all of us are born to be commandos. Even so, not all of us are equipped with all the necessary items for a long trek over desert terrain. Sometimes, an emergency situation occurs without any warning.

What happens then?
I think you want a survival kit, sas survival manual says it is for those times when S---! happens!