a Konvention at Narita Airport

Jul 6, 1999
BA came to Japan today, with his family for three weeks vacation at his parents-in-law. I could meet him at the Airport, and had a few hours of nice conversation with him, his wife, and little Kenshiro, a Konvention!
He's a very nice guy, we had nice talk about ourselves, and our favorite things in a nice atmosphere as Cantina.

BA, thanx for you time, and have a good vacation!

Otokohadaremo yumenofunanori.
Shonennohinoakogare shinutokimade wasurezunidaiterumonodayo.
To all our surprise, he was totally UNARMED! He didn't even bring Khukuri rum in his baggage.

Otokohadaremo yumenofunanori.
Shonennohinoakogare shinutokimade wasurezunidaiterumonodayo.
Well, 9 days in Japan so far! I have been scouting various areas for some test cutting on bamboo. Many prospects here in Kyushu.
Well, Narita customs did not give me any problems. I sent my Chiruwa Khukuri by surface before leaving the U.S. and it got here fine. On my check in baggage, I did manage to bring 3 folding knives. A REKAT Sifu, Benchmade 940, and my Spyderco Harpy (for you Hannibal fans). These are are daily carry blades while in the U.S. and Japan.

Wrongfriend, I tried to fax you some information, I hope it got through.

Take care everyone!