A letter from Titan................

Oct 2, 1998
I received this letter from Titan and I am posting it with permission. Of course he said I had to post my reponse to him. It was to Sal and a CC to me.

At 11:08 AM 4/5/99 +0800, you wrote:
>Mr. Glesser,
>I just would like to thank you and your company for donating one Military
to the recent raffle at BladeForums.com.
>All my knives have been Spydercos. The first two were C10 Enduras that I
later sold to my bestfriends as I also wanted them to have Spydercos. My
recent one is a Spyderco Endura II that I have always carried daily since
1997 for self-defense.
>Now that I will soon receive my Military, I would like to tell you that I
will cherish it for the rest of my like (corny as this may sound). (-:
>I have always admired and longed for a Military ever since I saw a proto
picture in an article years ago. But I knew it was just a dream for poor
knifenut like me earning a measly $230 a month. )-:
>But thanks to you and Mike, I will soon own one of the best tactical
knives in the market!
>Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
>Very sincerely yours,
>Jessan Catre, aka Titan (-:


Thanks for your kind words. I now this may sound corny too but I grew up
poor, very poor. I am so pleased to be able to give something back to the
community which has helped me to become a success. The forums have become
my social activity. I have very few friends because I work so much and the
friends I have made on-line in the forums are very dear to me. I feel that
the community I have helped to create is one of the few things I will
cherish most when I finally retire. I am only 32 now so that will be a
while. I am not sure what the forums will be a few years from now but all I
know is that you guys make what I am doing worth while. Thanks again and I
am glad your surprise will bring you so much joy.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber

PS can I post your letter in the forums?


You can post my letter IF you post your response. (-:

I really salute you for giving birth to BladeForums.com !!!

If and when I get the chance to visit the US I will surely want to "eyeball" you and a number of my co-forumites...

I, too, am not sure if this good thing (BF) will last -- but right now Its one hell of a ride! (pardon my French ;-) ) --- and I will keep on posting as long as there is an Internet access I can log on to!

Keep up the good work and more power!

Jessan, aka Titan

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

It's this kind of stuff that makes me feel at home here. Thanks, guys.



Here I am trying to hate the lucky guys who won. Well, next to me, I guess I'd as soon Titan had it as anyone.
Use it in health and prosperity, Titan.

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult
A grateful winner if there ever was one...


[This message has been edited by djo62 (edited 05 April 1999).]

Doggone, now you got me all choked up!
Sounds as though this knife really went to the right person. Good for you Titan, I know you'll enjoy being a "Military Man". Welcome to the club !
Now I know why I didn't win!

Way to go you 3 (Titan, Mike,& Sal)Also,
maybe Danelle helped provide the piece?

Mark Camp

"Life is nothin' but a series of fascinations"

[This message has been edited by mcfg (edited 05 April 1999).]
Damn karma--Titan's all nice and grateful so he wins a knife, whereas I run ONE busload of nuns off ONE country road and . . . . .

But I've said too much. Congrats again Titan.

Everyone sing with me...

Kumbaya, oh lord, kumbayaaaaaaa...


Course you know what this means...you will never be satisfied with a $40 budget knife again.

