A mini 110 (Or: This could be a winner for Buck)

Feb 7, 2000
I'm wondering if Buck has ever considered making a mini-version of a 110. I don't mean the 112 Ranger or some other smaller-sized lockback such as the 500 series. No, I mean an EXACT replica of a 110 but one that's scaled down and truly pocketable; something, say 3.75" long when closed. I'd give it the same dimensions and lines as the 110, just reduced to scale. I think this could be a big seller for Buck. How many of you 110 fans would buy one of these?
I'm interested! I am more of a traditional folder person but I got my first 110 during Christmas and it is indeed an awesome knife. I would like to see a smaller version. Great idea.
I'd be interested. I have owned a 110 since the mid sixties (the same 110 by the way), and the thought of a smaller version does hold a certain appeal.
That would be cool...as a kid I carried a small folder just like what you described,made Shr..., it was a very comfortable pocket carry folder, I always said I wish Buck made one this size...hopefully one day they will!:D
I think the 112 is a tad shorter then the 110... 110 would be illegal for carry here... 4.5 inch closed law! :(
Is a mini-110 your design of choice for a pocket knife or is it just the miniature replica factor??
A small 110 would make a great pocket knife. The standard 110 is just too big for the pocket. Something about the size of a 501... but not a 501.;) I'd buy one.:D
>"Is a mini-110 your design of choice for a pocket knife or is it just the miniature replica factor??"


Well, I don't really have a design of choice ... that would limit me too much! :D In any given week you never know what knife I'll be toting in my pocket. I like to mix it up.

I do feel it would appeal to a lot of people as a good strong, working pocketknife (myself included). And, sure, there would be lots of knife knuts who would buy one just for the miniature replica factor (myself included).
I fully agree with mnblade in that I do NOT have a design of choice. Depending on how I am dressing and where I am going, I will carry any one of a handful of EDC's. I have always liked the 110 design. It was the first real knife I carried on an everyday basis back in the mid-70's and is still part of that small handful of EDC's I mentioned.

A smaller, pocketsize version of the 110 would probably get me to buy at least 2. One for my pocket, and one (as a design replica) to put in the collection.

Get the team buys CJ - there is a demand....:D :D :D
So CJ, Joe, have you folks there in El Cajon given this idea any thought? Should I start making out my Christmas list now!? Wishful thinking, I reckon. :)
Great idea! Several years ago Schrade made a scaled down version of their Bear Paw. A great little knife and very pocketable.

i know this thread is old but ... i have one of the sharde mini's ! i had i had it on my key ring for years and years and now it is on the wifes key ring... both function and wow mini factor made it a still a good buy from when i got int in '85. YES please do a real mini 110 replica.. call it a 010! about 1 1/4" to 1 3/8" long with metal ring for key ring!!!
If y ou build it, we will buy. I too have the mini schrade, would love to have the "55" (110 divided by 2...)
3 1/2"-3 5/8" closed, 2 1/2"- 2 5/8" blade....A true pocket sized 110. :cool:
Maybe with nickel silver bolsters? :cool:

A pocket sized 110 would be an awesome knife. I like the nickel silver idea but brass is fine. My current edc is the Prince (nickel silver with very dark wood scales). I love this knife because it fits most jobs and pockets perfectly. The mini 110, however, would push the Prince out of the castle. ft
I actually saw Wilde Bill making a few mini 110's in the shop. I do not know if they made it any further than the prototype process but at least that is a start. They may end up in the Limited Edition category of our catalogue soon.
Oh, and by the way, you did not hear this from me! ;)
i know this thread is old but ... i have one of the sharde mini's ! i had i had it on my key ring for years and years and now it is on the wifes key ring... both function and wow mini factor made it a still a good buy from when i got int in '85. YES please do a real mini 110 replica.. call it a 010! about 1 1/4" to 1 3/8" long with metal ring for key ring!!!334dave

If y ou build it, we will buy. I too have the mini schrade, would love to have the "55" (110 divided by 2...) jimn

Mini Schrade's are super on key chain. Ditto. You build.."we will buy". Let us know.
110's aren't too big. They're too heavy. A regular 110 with titanium replacing the brss would be wonderful. You would put a BG-42, S30V, VG-10 blade in it, of course. :D