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A Minute of Silence for Mel Sorg

Kevin Wilkins

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 7, 1998
Although I never met Mel Sorg I always read his posts with interest and like many of you was saddened to learn of his death. The world has too few poets.

As we in the internet community are scattered all over the world, I'd like to propose one minute of silence as a memorial and a farewell to a man who's friends will miss him and his contributions to our community.

The time for the minute of silence:

Sunday, 12th September at 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time EST


That`s a good idea Kevin and a real nice gesture. I didn`t really know Mel either but we chatted via e mail a few times and he seemed like a great guy. What a shame. Marcus
For whom the bell tolls...
I never met him, but enjoyed his posts. For what it's worth, he went out kind of the way I'd like to go, in the woods.
I sat in silence on hearing the news... I will do so again. More important, I will treasure the three Madpoet knives I have and think of him whenever I use them.

Wec were friend yet we have never met .....we knew each others face from a pictured that we send via e-mail. We even traded knives without ever meeting.

Mel, may God's speed be with you and may they have lots of steel where you are going.

My heart goes out to his family.

From Africa

Condolences to his family.
He was always a gentleman in his public & private communications and will be missed.
I'm a Methodist Minister as well as a collector of Spydercos. At 12:00 EDT, I will be giving the benediction at my church from the Book of Jude.

24 Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you without blemish before the presence of his glory with rejoicing,
25 to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and for ever. Amen.

Î didn't see this until about 5 min ago, but at noon I was in shul, and we were just about at the mourners kaddish(prayer for the dead, sort of). Good to know things fit together.

Don't forget to pay your taxes...they eventually become my knives:)

I never had the pleasure of "speaking" with Mel on-line, but I did read a lot od his posts.
RIP mad poet.
The darkness we feel is lightened by our knowing you, for however a brief moment.

Cry not for the departed
for they are beyond the fight
Tears are for the living
who must go on without the light

We are diminished.

Dennis Wright
Wright Knife & Sporting Goods
(Buy a knife...confuse a liberal)
La Mesa, CA

[This message has been edited by Dennis Wright (edited 14 September 1999).]
In another forum I was in that lost a member, we each sent a blank post to signify a "moment of silence". Consider this to be that moment...

RIP Mel.