A month before Christmas...

Apr 17, 2003
...and I get laid off!!! when I have immigration stuff to deal with (i'm moving to the US, been married to a US citizen almost 3 years now) and to top it off they laid off 3 other people but kept on employees with no real merit to the company. My wife is in the US getting my visa in order, I aint seen her in over 4 months and this could put a nice damper on me being able to afford to fly over early 2011 (lots to ship over).

Merry Christmas to me and my family!!! :mad:

PS. I know thats how it is atm, and I feel for all the other guys out there looking for work or who have been laid off in the current climate of things.
At least you have something to look forward to. If you wanted a decent job with loyalty to its employees, you should have been a government bureaucrat. Instead you're running away from home to join our circus. (BTW, ain't no jobs here, either! :eek:)

'Twas a month before Christmas and all through the land
the radio played the same tired song from the same tired band.

Up, Robert! and load up your sleigh, pack all your belongings, and --
up, up, and away!​
At least you have something to look forward to. If you wanted a decent job with loyalty to its employees, you should have been a government bureaucrat. Instead you're running away from home to join our circus. (BTW, ain't no jobs here, either! :eek:)

'Twas a month before Christmas and all through the land
the radio played the same tired song from the same tired band.

Up, Robert! and load up your sleigh, pack all your belongings, and --
up, up, and away!​

:D this is true! I'm more mad at the timing more then anything because it was a poor job and I was underpaid for my skill set...and very good point about the job market in the US, I do have a job offer with a company close to home over there (they are lacking in machinists) and also my uncle in law runs a large farm I could get work on but I am keeping all offers at arms length until I am there and can legally work. Not taking any risks, doing everything by the book.

Chances are I will do thanksgiving and Christmas over webcam lol...isnt technology a wonderful thing sometimes? :p
You are not alone that's for sure.

Two years ago our company went to South Africa and employed 4 guys then laid to rest of us off after 23 years of service. luck for me i was only out of work for two weeks.
Chin up, it will work out in the end.

Yes. Just look at the friends we have around the world.
Of course, there's a dark side to it all ..

You are not alone that's for sure.

Two years ago our company went to South Africa and employed 4 guys then laid to rest of us off after 23 years of service. luck for me i was only out of work for two weeks.
Chin up, it will work out in the end.


Hopefully I can find work that quick (i have a few weeks severance to keep my going), I was already out of work 3 months this year for the same reason...I feel like I picked the wrong trade, machinists are expendable, seems like plumbers, electricians, builders and such are all thriving.

I have already sent my resume out tonight to a few places, hit the ground running!
Oh hey, Robert, I just saw this now.

I hope you find a new job very soon!

As to the move to the US, you've certainly chosen an interesting time to go there! I'm sure it'll work out well though and you'll like it. I spent my childhood in NJ (and one year in Ohio) and I have very positive memories of that time.
Oh hey, Robert, I just saw this now.

I hope you find a new job very soon!

As to the move to the US, you've certainly chosen an interesting time to go there! I'm sure it'll work out well though and you'll like it. I spent my childhood in NJ (and one year in Ohio) and I have very positive memories of that time.

The past 10 years I've been bouncing back and forwards between the US on visitors visas, now that I've been married for 3 years to an American we decided it was time to head over...owning our own home is too out of reach, a 30 year loan doesn't appeal to me or my wife. Midwest US isn't taking the current climate as hard, its no worse in terms of unemployment then where I am now (massive lay offs in my area atm all over).

I have a few hopefuls from today, I went shop to shop driving around all day leaving resumes with anyone that would take it. Thanks though, being out of work when dealing with immigration is stressful but what doesn't kill me can only make me stronger! :D