A Mosiac Spearpoint for St Louis

Nov 1, 2000
Here is a spearpoint that I have been working on. The blade is a mosiac damascus made from 1084 and 15N20. The guard is random damascus and the spacer is a piece of "W" damascus. The handle material on this one is green mammoth ivory bark. The blade length on this one is just a shade over 7" while the thickness is a 1/4" at the guard with a slight distal taper. the oveall length is 12". The balance of the knife is right at the juncture of the blade and guard.

Craig... that may be one of the only spearpoint style bowies I've ever liked!
And capped in Damascus and Mammoth... stunning... :D
That's just beautiful Craig. Looks like you've tapped into a good supply of excellent mammoth ivory. And putting it to vey good use indeed.

sunfishman said:
Very nice Craig ! You haven't been in my ivory stash, have you? :p

Don, only I have been into your ivory stash! Mwahahahaha! :D

Craig, this is one of the nicest knives you've EVER made, IMHO. :thumbup: