A new contest! Ya I know how to push your buttons :)

"THE FINAL CUT" The last word on cutlery
"Ooops" I see Uncle Bill has that one already. Ok then how about "Cut to the bone" I don't see that one taken.

[This message has been edited by Strider (edited 07 October 1999).]
if anyone is reading this far:

"The Digital Edge"

"Noble Knives"

"The Noble Knife Magazine"

with a pun on "No Bull"...
Describes knife action for a title of mag,
in articles; Flick into a topic, Swoosh to an opinion or test result, etc.

[This message has been edited by ThomM (edited 07 October 1999).]
My entries:
Blade Aid
Ace of Blades
Knife Life
Knife Knowledge
Staying Sharp
Cutlery Conossuier
Blade Conossuier
Blade Ed (education)
Blades: Past, Present & Future
Elite Edges
Every Thing Blades
Every Thing Cutlery
Sharp Knowledge
Sharp Stuff
Ultimate Blade Resource
Ultimate Knife Resource
Edge Enlightenment
To the Hilt
Standing by the Grind Lines, CutZall, Beefiest Blades Abroad, I Cut it and I Cut it and it's Still Too Short!(ok, I stole that from someone), Knives R US, Things That Cut, Cut the Crap, Kut the Karma--

Yes! Drop the burrito...

how bout;
"The Uncompromised Knife"

"Knife Rules"

"Cutting Performance Illustrated"

"Impartial Knives"

"Cutters Corner"
<font color = #ff000000 size = 999>The Bleeding Edge</font></blink>

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited 08 October 1999).]

<CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+4" FACE="Old English Text MT">The Iron Age </FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+2" FACE="Old English Text MT"></FONT></CENTER></P>

<CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+2" FACE="Impact">The Internet's Premier Knife Journal</FONT></CENTER></P>

<CENTER><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+2" FACE="Old English Text MT">
Volume 1, Issue 1, November 1999</FONT></CENTER></P>


<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+4" FACE="Impact">IN THIS ISSUE:</FONT></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">I Walked Away!---A True Life Tale of Horror</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">Tip Up or Tip Down?</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">Which Steel Is Right For You?</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">The Strongest Lock Money Can Buy Is . . .</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">The New Busse Basics Reviewed</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">Grinding Away: Which grind for which job?</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">ATS-34: Yesterday's News?</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">Knifeknuts: Snapshots of over-the-top collectors</FONT></U></P>

<U><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE="+1" FACE="Impact">Byte Me! Or The Views of The Editor</FONT></U></P>



ober 1999).]
Well I guess HTML enabling has its limitations on a UBB Board. I lost my cool cover photo. You will just have to imagine the mock-up that wasn't meant to be. The text of "Iron Age" was backgrounded by a blown up and cropped image available at http://tlc.discovery.com/tlcpages/trauma/patients/gallery/sub_1_pict_2.gif

The title was above the guy's skull. The "In This Issue" was below the bayonet handle. I just couldn't figure out how to get an HTML based mock-up into a posting with its graphics intact.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of the tyrant; it is the creed of slaves.

William Pitt, 1783

[This message has been edited by Oregon Duck (edited 08 October 1999).]
Shoot the Bris?
(Naw, too Mel Brooks)

How 'bout WOW ( WOW spelled backwards)

Gorey Details?
(Naw, too Al-like)

Meat and Knife-You can't beat a knife but,,,
Column Ideas :
A Monthly Perspective
On Self-Defense With Knives
Famous And Historical Figures
Who Influenced Or Were Involved
With Knives, Etc.
R & D
What's New And Upcoming
Editorial Page
Guest Commentary (On Marketing,
Development, Trends, Opinion,
Developments In Legal Issues
Affecting Knives
Parting Shots/Humor

See ya,


Performance Knife News
Knife Performance Review
Maximum Performance Knives
Cutting Edge Reviews
Cyber Knife Times
BladeForums.com the Magazine
Laceration Times
<center>High Tech Knives
Low Tech Tests</center>

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

Hey, how about

"THE CHOPPING BLOCK" Where edged tools are put to the test.

I'll be happy as long as there are plenty of pictures. A centerfold of the hottest blade of the month would be cool.

"I like to skin game and cut bad guys. A tight kydex sheath just turns me on... I hate to be put away wet...and talk about hard..."

"I swear, I just read the articles!"

Daniel D.
One possibility --

The Cheese Cutter -- "We slice through the other magazine's stink!"
Thought of another one, what about
"Cut The Crap"

Squash, Make Flat...