A plug for a great sheath maker......

Oct 4, 1998
I want to give a plug for a great aftermarket sheath maker. Robert Humelbaugh @


is a great guy, and is doing some fantastic work! I just got a BK6 sheath from him that is fantastic. I'll try to get a pic of it up soon, because it must be seen to be believed. I also have a BK&T MAGNUM CAMP sheath that he made for me as a IWB concealment sheath[!] that works great.

If you need a sheath "upgrade" for you BK&T, or any other knife for that matter, give survival sheath a try!
Amen Will! Though I do not have any of Robert's sheaths but I have seen a good number of his work on various custom pieces and the sheaths are definitely are top notch.
I wear a custom rig 24x7 that Robert made for me. It is very functional and extremely comfortable. If you are contemplating an aftermarket sheath, keep Survival Sheath Systems on the list for sure!

I'm not associated with SSS in any way, except for being a happy customer. :)
Hi Will, we talked on the phone last week and one of the things we discussed was the magnum camp. I sure would be interested in seeing a pic of that rig you had made up for it. The magnum camp is definately my favorite Becker, especially when Mr. Fisk convexes the edge for ya! Hope you can scrounge up a pic of that sheath.
thanks, Mongo