A simple thank you isn't enough

Jun 4, 2002
If y'all ever wanted to see a grizzled old sergeant sniffing and wiping his eyes, you should have been at my house this evening when I opened a big old box from Uncle Bill. You would not believe the staggering array of khuks that came out of that box. If my arms weren't itching and throbbing from anthrax shots and a smallpox vaccination, I would no-kidding swear I was dreaming. Everything from Chiruwa AKs, to an 18" Siru, a horn handled Gelbu Special, and even a Baby Ganga Ram, made by Bura no less!

Uncle Bill, and all you guys that pitched in to make this happen, how do I even begin to thank you? This is way above and beyond, and I've got to tell y'all this is like nothing I've ever seen in the twenty four years I've been in the service. For all the khuks, for all the prayers, and for all the caring about a bunch of scruffy knuckleheads you've never even met, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I can't speak for the rest of the forumites but, for myself, the best way you could ever thank another old warrior is to do what you do best. I know you are good at what you do or you wouldn't still be there doing it. Just try to bring yourself and all the guys home in one piece. If a khuk helped in any way to do that, I have been thanked more that you will ever know.:) ;) :cool: :D
Grizzled?? Do there ALWAYS have to be bears?? (Sorry).

Use them as appropriate for steel made by some of the best warriors of the past 2 centuries. Come back safe, and with all parts still attached.

Very glad to have been some amount of help.
Like has already been said, the only thanks I want is for all you guys to come home intact. I am glad to contribute to that in my small way.
The thanks goes to you, Sarge, and the many like you and if you don't believe that then read this:

You'll be eating sand while I'm eating lobster.

You'll be drinking tepid water while I'm drinking Heinken.

You'll be looking out for bullets while I'm looking out for my favorite 5'10" blonde bombshell cocktail waitress.

And also don't believe that I don't think about this. Sending a dozen khukuris ain't nearly enough to ease my conscience.

It's you and those like you offering up your very lives if necessary which allows me to do all of the above and more. I appreciate your thanks but it really isn't necessary.