A Touching Act of Generosity From a Fine Young Man!

Jul 25, 2014
This year at the Rendezvous for the first time I got to meet and spend time with Josh @Rockon75 and his sons Thomas and Samuel. I spent a lot of time on the Porch talking with them about their knife collections. Ryan Sabercat Sabercat and his sons were also present at this time. After a while I decided to give the boys each a Copper 1 oz. Walking Liberty Proof Coin. I told them that everyone that collects Pocket Knives should also have a lucky coin. Much to my surprise Josh's youngest son Thomas reached in his pocket and pulled out his lucky 2000 Sacagawea dollar and handed it to me in trade for the Copper Coin I had just given to him. I thought to myself what a wonderful thing for such a young man to do.

After a while Josh and I were talking and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. Now he knew I would be interested in this knife so he handed it to me to luck at. It was a Northfield #53 TK Cuban with Copperhead Jigged Bone Handles. They only made 23 of these and since I collect TK's I have always wanted one, and Josh knew this. I asked him if he wanted to sale or trade it and he said no. He then explained that this knife was his first from Great Eastern Cutlery and that it was his favorite knife. After that I dismissed the idea of getting that knife and never thought anything else about it.

On August 24th I received a package in the mail. I looked at the return address and I knew it was from Josh because at the Rendezvous he had told me where he lived. I shook the package just like a kid and I immediately thought that it must contain a knife. I opened the package and there was the tube! I looked on the end label and when I saw what it said I had mixed feelings. I knew the tube contained a Northfield #53 TK Cuban with Copperhead Jigged Bone handles. I thought to myself how in the world could I accept such a gift when I knew what this knife meant to Josh. In my hast to look at the tube I had completely ignored a letter that was in the top of the package.

Without having opened the tube I decided to read the letter. I will have to be honest with everyone I was not prepared for the contents of this letter. It brought tears to my eyes as I read the letter. This amazing thing that such a young man did touched my heart. I will let you all read the letter below. It will explain things far better than I can ever put into words myself!

I had Josh explain to Thomas that he would get his knife back someday. Hopefully a long time from now. But I promise to take good care of it for him. When I'm gone this knife will be returned to Thomas. Maybe by then he will have sons of his own to share the story and the knife with.

Yes Josh, I will enjoy this gift from your Thomas. He is a great kid! Thomas and Samuel are both fine young men. I know you're proud of them and you have every right to be.

Thomas is immediately to Josh's right in this photo taken at the Rendezvous. Samuel is in front of Josh and the other two fine young men are Ryan's sons.

Here is the letter from Josh.


This speaks for itself!
This is incredible. I've been the recipient of Josh's generosity before, and have to say he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. The rendezvous has a way of bringing such folks together!

It's obvious the apples don't fall far from the tree. You're doing an awesome job with those boys, Josh!
I need to meet kids like that :D:cool: Or anybody who likes knives, in person..... ;)

Great stuff though Ron, as a gent of generosity it's not a surprise you draw this out of people, including the young crowd. Good luck to all of you :thumbsup:

Thanks, Will
That was a wonderful read! It gives me a little more hope for our future generations, with fine young men like Josh's sons growing up in it.
What a marvelous heartwarming story Ron! A Fantastic gift you received. Amazing generosity from someone so young, how proud Josh must be of not only Thomas but Samuel as well. Great boy's Great dad. Always tell them you love them, it means more than anything.
