A visit from the knife fairy!

Apr 27, 2010
When i got home yesterday evening from helping a friend move her stuff i found a package cramped in my mailbox.
Its was a package from my knife fairy, Dale from TKC. Fast delivery as always.


A OD/G10 RC-4 with MB :)

And yes it really is a RC-4, not an newer model ESEE-4. Didnt ask for it but i like it :D


As some of you my remember i made a thread about the Bravo-1 used by ESEE owners.
Well i got the bravo-1 but couldn’t resist getting the 4 also :)
It came shaving sharp. Though not as easy as my Bravo-1 which its sharpened up to 2500grit and than stropped for a few hours.
After the sharpmaker(with UF) the 4 was pretty damn sharp too :)

I already love this knife and only played with it for a few minutes.
Congrats! Looks like you're getting a nice collection there!

I just got a new family member in the mail yesterday also, a HEST!
Any day the knife fairy visits is an excellent day!

Congratulations, the 4 is one of my favorites, and definitely gets the most

use. :thumbup:
Jo, gave collectie heb je daar!
Altijd leuk een mede RAT liefhebber te zien in Nederland!

Sweet knives bro!
I second the nice Tshirt comment, find Ear of the Rat and post some songs.
I like the izzy sheath in digi.
congrats on the new addition
Thanks guys!

As for the shirt, i was wondering how long it took you guys to figure it out :) Though it wasnt too hard, every self respected rock/metalhead would recognize it :cool:

Thats the same 4 I got. Love it. Tough carry choice 'tween that and the Bravo-1!
Not really, one on the belt and one in the pack :D
I'm going on vacation next monday and will put both to some use and see what suits me better.
Both are completey different but equally great!

I second the nice Tshirt comment, find Ear of the Rat and post some songs.
I like the izzy sheath in digi.
congrats on the new addition

thy will be served :)
I love those sheaths too. Looking good and very functional, yet very basic and no-nonsense
That's a great looking family you have there!

Enjoy to the fullest.
When i got home yesterday evening from helping a friend move her stuff i found a package cramped in my mailbox.
Its was a package from my knife fairy, Dale from TKC. Fast delivery as always.

As some of you my remember i made a thread about the Bravo-1 used by ESEE owners.
Well i got the bravo-1 but couldn’t resist getting the 4 also :)
It came shaving sharp. Though not as easy as my Bravo-1 which its sharpened up to 2500grit and than stropped for a few hours.
After the sharpmaker(with UF) the 4 was pretty damn sharp too :)

I already love this knife and only played with it for a few minutes.

Great Bas! That was fast!

Congratulations on your very nice collection!:thumbup:
That is sweet 4! the organge handles, you sir, have excellent taste! :thumbup:

Edit: Thanks for posting this also. I had not head T-K-C.com but this thread made me look it and I found micarta slaps for my Izula very affordably so I just had to pull trigger on those.
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