AAAHHHHHH Cookies !!!!!!!

Mar 20, 1999
Arg, if there were something I could throw threw my windows right now I would do it, unfortunately everything near me is expensive. A friend of mine decided to actually get interested in bladeforums, so when he came to make and account it told him he was already signed DARK NEMESIS, ME !!!!!!!! GOD DAMN IT, when did the cookie options get turned on in my account. So of course he has full access to every I have setup, and proceeded to wipe out ALL of my profile information (sig, loc., etc...). Is this a life threatening or worldwide situation, no but it sure does piss the hell out of me ya know? Since I really don't have that much of a home in my opinion, this place is like a second home to me, and as such as I spend many hours here with the rest of you each day on a topic we all love...knives. Maybe its because I recently woke up, but this has really put me in a bad mood for the day. Ok, I'll stop ranting and raving, just needed an outlet for a minute. In the end I guess it was my fault to begin with for not knowing that cookies were activated, but still.....
Hi DN.

Who's computer did he do this from, yours? If so, that's a defauft of your browser to use cookies. If you logged in on his computer, then again, it's a default of the browser. You can dump the cookies in any browser, Explorer or Communicator. If you're using a"community computer", like at work or an internet cafe, I'd be alot more careful. Make sure to dump the cookies after any session.

It was his computer, but like me he doesnt use cookies. However bladeforums automatically creates a cookie, unless the option is switched to "no". I've definately learned my lesson. After chopping the heck out of some shipping boxes I'm much calmer now. Good thing since he's on his way over here.
Click the "reply" button at the bottom of any thread, or the "new thread" button at the bottom of the thread list, and if you're logged in you will see a line that says:

Logged in user: Cougar Allen [logout]

Click [logout] and then you can close that window (or go back) without writing any reply -- you're logged out now and you can let someone else take your computer and log in. If you use someone else's computer or an internet cafe or whatever, always log out when you're done.

Next time you come to Bladeforums you'll still be logged out and you'll see the time in GMT etc. -- just click the reply button and this time you'll see a login option.

Post all tech support questions in the Service & Support forum. I'm moving this thread there....