About Forebearence and Kindness

Mar 22, 2002
Bill's House had forebearence and Kindness.

That was easy to ask from forumites because of the example he set. But it is also true that you good folks have a right not to be provoked and or insulted. It would be unnatural to apparently cast a blind eye towards abusive behavior and ask forebearence from those on the recieving end.

In my opinion people should be kind, consider the source, but have a right to dignity also.

Sometimes it is kind not to take offense. Sometimes it is unkind, in fact, it's called enabling, to allow abusive behavior to go unchecked. That will not happen on our forum. Spectre, Danny, Sat, Nam and others- thank you for your kindness.


The HI forum has helped me grow up quite a bit. Im not saying I am there yet, but I have come a long way.
Truly, in our society it is easy to live your whole life thinking like a child.
(in a bad way)
I dont want to do that anymore.
Maybe I need anger management classes.
Well said. It used to be called "acting grown up" -- having nothing to do with chronological age - then or now.
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between trollish behavior and an otherwise good person who drinks a bit too much and makes posts that border on inappropriate, abusive and abrasive.

Where do you draw the line? :confused:

I am very thankful for our moderators who have a very hard and often underappreciated job sometimes. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Munk, we followed Bill's leadership because he was a good leader. You, Howard, Yvsa, and Yangdu are doing an excellent job. However, as the most visable mod, I believe Bill and Rusty would be proud of how you personally handle things around here. I know humble pie with a side of modesty is your meal of choice, but i can see a real growth and calm in your posts since you've taken over this job. Thanks.
All the mods bring so many different things to the table. We appreciate it very, very much. ALL of you.
Likewise, you guys that keep the peace when the mods aren't around. Thanks. This place had a real chance of going straight to hell after Bill and Rusty left us so quickly. It didn't. We have proven to be good caretakers in this house that Bill built. Thank you all for keeping this my favorite place to visit. On the net and in "real" life.

Kindness can be many things, and sometimes, it's hard to know which face to use. :(
Where do you draw the line?

It's hard to tell sometimes. I probably am guilty of enabling in this instance because I am trying like hell to be less judgemental of people in general, and run the risk of going the other way. but I see it as the lesser of two evils. I spent a lifetime erring on the side of quick judgement and overreaction--I'm not going back to that.

I second the nod to the mods for a job very well done. It's not an easy job--good thing the pay is so good, and of course the limo rides to and from work:rolleyes: :D
I am new here, and new also to online forums. However, I have had bad experiences on another forum. My intelligence was insulted, and I felt abused and alone. There mods did nothing to stop the personal nature of the attacks. I don't often go there anymore, and don't see the point of posting much there. The entire environment here is different and special. Munk, you are a great mod. Take that for what its worth, I'm a newbie, so not much I'd guess. I never got to post with Bill or Rusty, but I'd guess they're proud of your performance here. I sure appreciate it, and everyone else too!:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

PS...OT...I'm dying to get my hands on the FF I ordered!!!!:D
In most 99.9% of instances, I believe in compassion, but not if it means that someone gets hurt. There are heftier considerations. Patience, indirect enabling on the forum may be tolerable at points in time, but in the big picture how will this enabling effect the individual's life choices in the offline world? Bad behavior can't be tolerated, regardless of the individual. This is sad particurlarly when you have someone that may be good at heart, a bit worn, and worthy of respect given to all men of valor. However, that's still not an excuse for unacceptable behavior.

Bill did what he must, as a last resort, and handled everything responsibly and honorably. I see no change in his spirit and the way he did things from what I see here now.
Munk, I ordered it roughly the twentieth of november. It was like two days after Yvsa posted the pics of his. Just before his surgery. I'm not in a rush, because I want it to be perfect. I asked for an 18-19" with minimal amount of cho creep. Dark wood handle. Yangdu said she'd order it, and I haven't been bugging her about it. I have had to hold off on a couple of beauties in the DOTD's since then too. One was only $75, but I don't care. Somehow I just know this is going to be the ultimate knife for me. Faith I guess.
aproy1101 said:
Munk, I ordered it roughly the twentieth of november. It was like two days after Yvsa posted the pics of his. Just before his surgery. I'm not in a rush, because I want it to be perfect. I asked for an 18-19" with minimal amount of cho creep. Dark wood handle. Yangdu said she'd order it, and I haven't been bugging her about it. I have had to hold off on a couple of beauties in the DOTD's since then too. One was only $75, but I don't care. Somehow I just know this is going to be the ultimate knife for me. Faith I guess.

If Yangdu is ordering something to your specs it will take longer than usual. She will have to communicate the information to Nepal, then the knife is manufactured and is shipped back here. All of this takes considerably longer than when she unpacks a box of knives, offers them up as DOTDs, and ships them promptly. In this latter case the communication, manufacture and shipping times are completely invisible to the customers.
Howard Wallace said:
If Yangdu is ordering something to your specs it will take longer than usual. She will have to communicate the information to Nepal, then the knife is manufactured and is shipped back here. All of this takes considerably longer than when she unpacks a box of knives, offers them up as DOTDs, and ships them promptly. In this latter case the communication, manufacture and shipping times are completely invisible to the customers.

Yea, I know. Actually the waiting on this one is sweet agony. I just have a very strong feeling I'll love this knife. Please Yangdu, if you read this, take your time. I'm not in a hurry at all. I am very excited, yes, but I'm OK with the wait. And I've never been unhappy with any services provided anyway, actually exactly the opposite. Very happy each time I've gotten a knife.
Sounds to me you are all dialed-in, Andy, and everything is OK.

I have always felt that the indifference of good people is as bad as the offenses they detest. There comes a point when something must be said. I love this place, and part of that is its acceptance and communication-based attitude. When somebody says something that could harm this place or paint us in a negative light, we cannot stand idly by. That would be, as Munk said, to enable bigotry, hate, generalization, ignorance, and all of those things which I couldn't stand to see here. It would cheapen this place that so many have shared in a wonderful accord. We cannot let that stand.

You have been reading too many self help books.

munk said:
Bill's House had forebearence and Kindness.

That was easy to ask from forumites because of the example he set. But it is also true that you good folks have a right not to be provoked and or insulted. It would be unnatural to apparently cast a blind eye towards abusive behavior and ask forebearence from those on the recieving end.

In my opinion people should be kind, consider the source, but have a right to dignity also.

Sometimes it is kind not to take offense. Sometimes it is unkind, in fact, it's called enabling, to allow abusive behavior to go unchecked. That will not happen on our forum. Spectre, Danny, Sat, Nam and others- thank you for your kindness.


You have been reading too many self help books.>>> Warlock

Today I feel like a self help book.

Warlock6 said:
You have been reading too many self help books.

No. The war zones you've lived in, and the community here in the cantina are different. To me, it looks like Munk's underscoring what makes this place unique - an underlying attitude of mutual respect.

That "softness" might get you killed in a combat zone, but is exactly one of the values that many of us send our soldiers off to protect.

Boy. have I been there.
No offense meant to the reciepient of my bad day.

Bill Marsh said:
Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between trollish behavior and an otherwise good person who drinks a bit too much and makes posts that border on inappropriate, abusive and abrasive.

Where do you draw the line? :confused:

I am very thankful for our moderators who have a very hard and often underappreciated job sometimes. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Well. Bill and Yangdu liked me. That is good enough.
Considering that I spent twenty years killing people and blowing up their stuff, I think that I weathered it quite well.
Of course, were I not a cop, I would be in jail.
The badge and the oath hold me back from some of my more instinctive thoughts.