ace hardware micro led lights

Jan 20, 2001
I was surprized today when I found these at ace hardware for 9 bucks. They say they are water resistant and have a switch or you can squeeze it on. I got a red one. It actually looks well made, better than my pt pulsar, not quite a photon. The only problem is a little flickering when I use the switch. I was just wondering how many others have used this little light. I didn't have a red one in my collection and plan to use this as the bedroom light that doesn't wake people up when I have to go to the bathroom, my yellow photon is still a tad bright for that use belive it or not. The beam is not smoothe but I've never had a red one before. Check it out!
I tried the light out all last night and the flickering stopped. The case is translucent and glows red when on. It seems brighter than I thought it would be. It works a lot better than my pt pulsar II.
Originally posted by gitarmac
The case is translucent and glows red when on. It seems brighter than I thought it would be.

Yes, almost any light when going from sleeping/eyes closed in a dark environment is going to appear bright in contrast.

A translucent body does look cool - but it has (for me) the disadvantage of attracting attention and the extraneous light I find very distracting -
I think that may be the reason why the solid black bodied Inova MicroLights have a military NSN # and the cooler looking translucent bodies do not.

It seems to me (and YMMV) mono-color is always a good choice since it doesn't dazzle my eyes like white does. Even though I know white is a superior choice when it comes to color rendition.

However - although Red is the correct color to preserve true night (scoptopic/rods only) vision - I find that I have difficulties seeing well by red light - whereas I find that yellow/amber to give me almost enhanced vision - yet does not distrub my eye's dark adaption much. In other words for me I seem to be able to see well by yellow without being dazzled/shocked.

Photons Mk.1 and 3 are sold in "covert" versions at additional cost - all it is, is simply a hood/extension that covers the side emissions of the LED - so one can easily get the same effect by using some masking or duct tape - might look a bit tacky but should work.

I did an experiment to see for myself how colors effected my vision -

LED Colors and Vision (pics)
I just noticed that the metal clip that comes on the light says inova on it. The light itself says ACE on it.

The translucent case doesn't bother me on the red one. I don't know about the lighter colors.
It's probably one of the Inova TML series then - ACE, Circuit City & CompUSA are a couple of their "small" customer... :D

I have been wanting a nice little LED light for a while, but trying to find one around here is difficult. I saw this thread and never would have thought of ACE. Well the one here did not have that model, but they do carry the ASP brand. Very bright and oughta be a good replacement for the little AAA mag.