Acronyms... List Compilation


Biscuit Whisperer
Super Mod
Mar 15, 2000
Like so many of the boards, the HI board is filled with acronyms affiliated with the blades. So far, when I see a new one, I have to use the search function to go back and try to see what the acronym means. FF, BGRS, CAK, etc.

I wondered if we might start pulling together an index in this thread, listing a lot of the acronyms and what they stand for. At some point, I'd be willing to pull them all together in a list and alphabetize them. I (or one of the longstanding members here) could take the list and put it in a new post, which might be made into a nice Sticky at the top.

Just a thought. Maybe part of the journey with these knives is a gradual understanding of all these abbreviations. But it sure might be helpful to have a list at the top of the board for newcomers.

Edited to add: Or maybe such a list already exists and I've just overlooked it?
i havent updated the list in a while now, and there are definitely some new ones on the busse forums, but its an example of what i think your going to try to put together.

its worth considering arranging them by type or catagory, then by alphabetic.

knife makers: (bura, vim, sher, etc)
wood types: (monkey pod, neem, etc)
blade and structural features: (stick tang, tin chirra, 5160, etc)
knife designations: (siru, ang khola, CAK, foxy's folly etc)
straight sword designations: (himalayan sword, bura saber, napolean sword, etc)
Yep, the Busse acronym list is what I had in mind. Certainly, I'm not the best person to deal with your categories above since I don't know enough about HI khuks, knives, swords, etc. I was just thinking about the commonly used acronyms. But if folks put a lot of info into this thread, I can certainly arrange by type and come up with a good working list. Then maybe one of the old timers can post it up as a Sticky.


FF = Foxy Folly (and maybe here a small description of this type of khuk)
A sign of a good company awarness is when it has its on terms and a lot of people know what they are and what they mean and uses them.
Speaking of acronyms, today Yangdu offered a BDC for sale. I realize the "DC" stands for Dui Chirra but can someone tell me what the "B" stands for?


Speaking of acronyms, today Yangdu offered a BDC for sale. I realize the "DC" stands for Dui Chirra but can someone tell me what the "B" stands for?



BDC = Bura Dui Chirra (or Daily Carry, whichever you want)
Well, now the ball's rolling.

CAK = chiruwa (full tang) Ang Khola
lets not forget this one....... :rolleyes:

HIKV = himalayan import khukuri virus :D :thumbup:

and if youre reading this... youre infected LOL
I'm pretty sure I started one of these threads a little while after joining. Here's a few to chew on:

FF - foxy folly (fox's folly)
MCC - Munk Chunk Cleaver (cobalt cleaver)
GRS - Ganga Ram Special
BGRS - baby GRS
AK - Ang Khola
Chit - Chitlangi
Siru - Sirupate
YCS - Yvsa Cherokee Special ( Not to be confused with the Cherokee Rose, which is a different beast entirely)
PK - Pen Knife ( named for Pendentive AKA D. Koster)
BWB - Bob White Bolo (now often called the HI Bolo)
BAS - British Army Service
WWII - I hope this doesn't need explanation :)

I'm sure others can think of a few I've missed.