AD Heaven baby!

Apr 6, 2001
Got these a couple of days ago, one for me and one for my boy Joshua.

Jerry, thank you! ;) :D They are very sweet...

Ahhh, life is good again...:cool: Who wants a Vic Bitter? My shout!


Got to love that brown and white baby!
guy, you make me :barf:

what a porker you are:mad:

can we see them undressed and both sides:p

nice score oinker:cool:
dont you just love DSL and 'live time'!;)

40+ deg C here today, the ale is going down real nice!:p

Hey Gundy, I'm drinking tonight, crown and cokes! I'll take a bitter though! Since you have a fast connection, just poor one into your dsl modem and send it to my email addy. I'm thirsty, so chop chop!:p :p

BTW, good lookin knives.....:)
the pic on your monitor is of this thread right? It isn't showing for me?
Raden, what monitor man? ;)

Wilco, on my 4th modem, they keep burning out when I try to send the Vic...give me till tomorrow when I can get more...:D

Phew, hottest day here in over 60 years they said on the news...NO SH!TE ! :eek:

My ears are sweating!:D
It's still growing man, but the swamp crew just can't put em out quick enough for me, so I have to downgrade and get Busse Combat stuff every now and then...Can I say that on air?;) :p

The AD's sure are sweet though! Been waiting for a knife like this fo ever! Not any more... :cool:
Hey Gundy,
Them AD's need some real clothes, bet they already chewed through them thin little panties;)
I still got Radens toy if ya get the need for leather "of a better sort".....
Oy!! Save one O them for me ay?? Us Irismen likes our Bitters too!!!:D :p
'ers a teaser for ya, oh yea minus the critter skin:p
Hey Dwayne, showoff! :p

:D ;)

and Raden, you are going to have a real sucky week this week, arn't you oinker...:cool: