Advice on Dozier purchase

I'm considering purchasing one of Bob's fine knives. The problem is deciding on which one.
I'm leaning towards the "Slim Outdoorsman" or the "Professional Guides Knife". I only can afford to buy one more so I've got to make this purchase count. Does anybody own one of these knives? The Slim Outdoorsman seems to be a little thick (3/16") for a knife that small. Skinning isn't a primary issue, as I don't hunt, but just want something for general utility use or camp chores.
Greg - it would be hard to beat the Yukon Pro Skinner. It has enough belly for any game handling chores, and it seems to be perfectly shaped and made for all around camp duty. Mine sees lots of use every year at camp.

Awesome materials, awesome grinds, awesome service... you can't go worng with any of Bob's blades.

Aug 1, 1999
I have a Dozier Whittler which is a small fixed blade in D2. It is well made and came very sharp. The kydex sheath is also nice. I wouldn't shy away from another Dozier blade.
Between the two I'd pick the Professional Guides, simply because of the blade length (3 1/2 vs 4 3/4). Slim Outdoorsman is okay for everyday tasks, but for camping I personally would pick a longer blade. Don't worry about the 3/16" thickness, I use my Outdoorsman for just about any cutting task (except chopping), and it does everything extremely fine. In short: Outdoorsman will just cut, slice and dice, but chop it won't.
Bob Dozier is a nice guy. He is also a very good knifemaker, that makes a very good knife.

That being said, his knives are a little on the thick said. They have to be though. You cannot go deep with a hollow grind, if your steel is very thin. I flat grind, so that is not an issue with my knives.

If you are going with a hollow ground knife, and you intend to use it, you can not beat a Dozier.

Lynn Griffith-Tactical Knifemaker
Winner of "Best Tactical Knife" at 1999 PKA show
My website
See my award winning "Spec Ops Tanto" in Gallery 3 of my website

Bob makes some of the best using utility knives around at a relatively reasonable price. I' ve several of his small fix blades and am totally happy with their performance. My "Agent" in Bob' s horizontal kydex sheath is a defensive blade in disguise as it excells in my everyday chores. A camp knife maybe but not for game. Don' t hesitate to browse AG Russells web site as he carrrys a few knives made exclusively by Bob: the Professional Skinner and the White River Skinner. They are a bit larger and more robust than Bobs cataloged small fixed blades. Excellent for hunting / camping. Take note: Bobs micarta scales are finished smooth (will never know why) and IME they are hard to hold on to when your hands come into contact with liquids (blood, oil, grease, etc.) You can request a rough blast finish or have it sent away for checkering! Please contact:

Julie Marx at

Excellent work, turnaround time, and price! Be sure to let her know as to your source!

Hope this helps a bit.


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."

[This message has been edited by Nakano 2 (edited 13 September 1999).]