I'm considering purchasing one of Bob's fine knives. The problem is deciding on which one.
I'm leaning towards the "Slim Outdoorsman" or the "Professional Guides Knife". I only can afford to buy one more so I've got to make this purchase count. Does anybody own one of these knives? The Slim Outdoorsman seems to be a little thick (3/16") for a knife that small. Skinning isn't a primary issue, as I don't hunt, but just want something for general utility use or camp chores.
I'm leaning towards the "Slim Outdoorsman" or the "Professional Guides Knife". I only can afford to buy one more so I've got to make this purchase count. Does anybody own one of these knives? The Slim Outdoorsman seems to be a little thick (3/16") for a knife that small. Skinning isn't a primary issue, as I don't hunt, but just want something for general utility use or camp chores.