Aegis. Assisted only?

Jan 1, 2010
Does the Aegis only come with the assisted opening? Can it be easily disengaged or made to be fully manual? A couple of my friends have gotten some SOG's and I have really been impressed by them. I like the design of the Aegis, but am not a fan of assisted openings. Any suggestions or alternatives?
You could probably disengage the primary assisted opening spring but they only offer it with the intention of being an assisted opener and unless you tinker with it there is no telling how it will work when you start removing things.
My guess is that if you can just remove the assist spring, it'll operate like any other arc lock knife. I don't know this 100%, but it's my best guess.
Hi, i'm from Singapore. Assisted knives are not allowed here, so the SOG dealer over here imports assisted folders such as blink, trident, and aegis without the omega spring. These knives over here are fully manual. So i guess u can get 1 without the assist =)