After market scales for BK&T line

Dec 14, 2002
I recently received an email from Bill Siegle saying he was no longer making scales for the BKs. Is there anyone currently selling scales for BKs?

I've wondered this too... it seems like there could be a good market in such a thing.
I'm working on some rock maple scales for a BK-7 that's been stripped of it's coating, reground to add a bit of a recurve and then hand-satined. When I'm done I'm going to offer it up for trade if anyone's interested (for another BK-7 to work on).
Originally posted by csp20108
I'm working on some rock maple scales for a BK-7 that's been stripped of it's coating, reground to add a bit of a recurve and then hand-satined.

Wow! That sounds amazing!

If all you want for it is a stock BK-7 I will go out and buy you one. Just say the word! :D

In any case, I hope you will post some pictures of your masterwork when it's finished.

--Bob Q
Yep, just looking for a stock BK-7 after I'm done for another go at this project. So if you were inclinced to buy a BK-7 anyway, I would say go for it and you'd be first in line for a trade when I'm done. But, if you weren't planning on getting the knife, wait and see if you like my results first - I wouldn't want you to end up with a knife you didn't want.

Sounds really sweet! I've got a question for you...
Once you remove the coating is there a temper line visible? I'd love to try doing something like that myself, but I'd hate to grind away the treated edge (I've never seen anything that said if the BK&Ts were differentially treated or not) while putting in the recurve.
I'd have to answer no to the question with one caveat - it was reground before the coating was removed. However, it wasn't ground so much that it would have erased a temper line everywhere on the knife. So when the coating came off and no temper line showed in the areas where regrinding was minimal, I'm pretty sure it was never visible.
Thanks. I *guess* that would mean it's not differentially tempered.

Love to see some pics if you can.
I've been taking pics during each phase and will definitely post them upon completion, which will hopefully be by the end of next week if all goes well this weekend. I do have one question for the group though - is it possible to post pics with a basic memebership? I can always put them on a webpage, but I'd prefer doing it here.
Originally posted by csp20108
I do have one question for the group though - is it possible to post pics with a basic memebership? I can always put them on a webpage, but I'd prefer doing it here.

I don't believe basic members can post pics. If you don't have a site handy for posting, them to me and I'll put them up. Then you can reference them in a post here using the vB img codes.

--Bob Q