air cleaners/ air filtration systems....what type of filter element?

Aug 1, 2000
I just got a new air filter/cleaner for the shop. I love it! It works great for clearing dust in the air...however I would like to try changing the filter element with one that would remove smoke from the air.

Does anyone know filter designations and what type would be needed for filtering out smoke and mist?

You didn't mention what type it is, but I've got one of the ceiling mounted air boxes from Penn State Industries. It's 960 cfm with 2 motors/squirrel cages and they offer a bag filter that is designed for smoke/mist in addition to a washable prefilter. Works good for me especially when we are welding.
They sell the bag filter separately.
Rob, From what I rememebr from particulate filtration class many years ago, removing smoke effectively takes a HEPA filter. This is not the typical dust removal system, as it takes a filter down in the sub-2 micron range. Hope this size number from an aging memory may help. Good luck.
Kit, Mike, Thanks for the note,

I searched Penn State Industries on the web and it looks like I have the same thing that Kit described.

They also offer a "smoke" filter on the web site and call it an ASHRE 93 filter. So I'm all set...I'll try one out and see how it works.

I have been considering one of these as well. I work in my basement and ventilation can be a problem. How efficient are these machines and what immediate benefits can I expect (I know the long term benefits to my health, etc.)?


I'm a newbie here, but have you considered making a water curtain, like the industrial painters use? Just an idea. I have seen a vacuum filter using water as the filtering medium.

Due to the cold snap, I had to keep the shop closed up and started noticing some respitory problems that I think are associated to air quality.

So I bought on of these:

It does a great job filtering out dust from sanding wood...amazing job! However, for me....I need to also filter out smoke from welding and coolant mist/steam that is generated from my machine tools. Normally this stuff is exhausted from the shop from a central blower and overhead duct work to each source.

I've used it for the last month and it seems like I need to clean/replace the prefilter already....Also it is inefective for smoke and fumes with the filters that it came with. It is very quiet and comes with a small remote control. It doesn't do what I wanted it to do, yet...but then it wasn't designed for what I want either.

Take care,