Coupla things:
1. I had an eye-rolling experience with an airport security dude once...I was picking up a friend and had my Buck folding knife (can't remember the type...but it was under 3", triple blade, non-locking...a truely inoffensive knife) in my pocket. I was a good boy and pulled it out and dropped it in the tray with my keys when I went through the detector. What ensued was a 3-5 minute gentlemanly debate with the retired cop running the checkpoint as to whether it should be allowed in the terminal. Eventually he relented...I think the fact that I was so polite helped (and I'm sure that the fact that it was a decidedly untactical knife didn't hurt).
2. I personally have no problem with security at airports and such. It is good enough (usually) that I have little fear of others walking around better armed than I am, and I recognise the need for keeping arms off of airplanes. Remember...lotsa people around the world do NOT like us. Pan Am/Lockerbie is back in the news again...(though I admit the idea of hijacking a plane with a knife is a little goofy). And if a real hijacking does go down, you think you're gonna stop it with your Spyderco Endura?
Remember, if you want to be armed again straight away after you leave the terminal, just put your weapons in your stowed luggage. Of course, if Delta sends your bags to the Bermuda Traingle...
3. We might not want to be discussing ways to sneak crap on planes. Think about this for a second, huh?
If indeed the one poster (different thread) is correct about detectors (at at least one airport) being set to only scan above mid-calf...we've now told anyone who can read this forum (read: potential wacko or actual terrorist) how to sneak a small handgun or explosive device onto an aircraft. This is not very bright.
Personal opinion? Put the crap in your stowed luggage and move on. If it goes missing, you can and will get a fat cheque from the airline. Flame away
And in the Captain's chambers
they're gathered for the feast.
They stab it with their steely knives
but they just can't kill the beast
[This message has been edited by Coronach (edited 07 April 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Coronach (edited 07 April 1999).]