Aitor knives

My review of the Aitor Ranger has been waiting to be written down for months now. Within a week, I promise. It's decent for the money.

A local knife shop keeper holds the Hammerheads in very high regard. They seem nice. None of the Aitor knives are probably "bad".
i heard that Aitor is currently out of production. as in their facilities are down for "restructuring"

has anyone heard the same?
I had one of their Spanish Army Knives, like a SAK but larger. Very fine quality, very strong tools.
i like the look of aitor knives.unfortunately i havent handled them but they seem better quality than the muela brand
I love some of the Aitor knives, have a big lockback folder and a big fixed from the 80's, both of them are very well made and I think are at the same level or avobe the knives within the same price range, take a look at'em if you have the oportunitty.
I used to own two Aitor knives. They were the highest end blades in the '80s which were avaliable in Hungary. Both of them were quite good, but I would chose something else especially for that price.
I have a few of Aitor's SAKs, big tough slipjoints! I wrote a review about them at

I tried a couple of their fixed blades, and they were OK. The only problem is that, like Muela, they seem to love hollow grinds.