Al Mar Sere 2000 in new TK magazine

Feb 18, 1999
I was looking forward to this article by Jeff Randall since reading his thread a few months back in the wilderness/survival forum on this knife.

When I first saw pictures of it when it came out, I was a bit skeptical, due to the fact there's so many other knives coming out to compare it to.

But reading about how it performed, what it stood up to, plus the fact Jeff praised the Sere 2000 so highly...dang it, now I want one!

I've been curious about VG-10 steel, how it would hold up under somewhat corrosive conditions and edge-holding/sharpening. I do like the fact that the liners are stainless instead of titanium.

Up to now I haven't owned any Al Mar knives, though I've admired them. Looks like I'll be saving my pennies for this one. Thanks for an entertaining, informative article, Jeff.
Thanks Jim. This was a fun article to do since the knife worked so well for me.

As far as VG-10, it will rust a little faster than some other stainless steels but it seems to have a better bite to it and easier to get that bite back when it dulls. The Fallkniven F1 in VG-10 is another blade I use a lot in the woods.

Headed out today for 10 days in the jungles of Southern Costa Rica, and the SERE is already hanging on the pack strap.

Thanks again for the comments.


Randall's Adventure & Training
I really like this knife. In fact, after Jeff and I talked about it....I went out and got one and am very impressed.

It is a heavy duty knife, strong, large liners and a great lock up. Blade is sharp and easy to resharpen. A Mike Sastre (River City Cheaths) sheath system that Jeff and I have makes this knife even better.

It deploys OK but not near as fast as my Military. The thumb studs are a bit on the small, slippery side and that is a bit irritating but I can deal with it. I would have prefered a disk on this knife or a grooved thumb stud.

Overall, I give this knife 2 thumbs up. For a while they were hard to find but I have been seeing NIB S2K in the for sale section almost weekly.

Tell us what you think when you get it.


~Greg Mete~
Kodiak Alaska

Really enjoyed the article in TK about the S2K, especially since I could feel the weight of mine in my pocket while reading.
Looks Good
Feels Good
Cuts Good

I LIKE IT! , ,

Bremerton, Washington
Yes, when I finally get one I will definitely report back on what I think of the knife.

This seems the type of knife that, once you want one, it's hard to wait.
Hey -- This knife rules. The lockup rocks. The weight is very comforting, my pivot is smooth as butter and the clip rides as low as you can get. I wish it was black matte though. Ohwell, I guess you cant have everything.

Al Mar Rules!


Heading up the Al Mar support coalition since 2000.
Actually, the shiny clip is an easy fix. On my Sere I took off the clip, sprayed it down with matte black enamel spray paint, and then for grip covered the whole clip with skateboard tape. Grips reeeeeeally nice now...sweet knife.

I took a scotchbtite pad to my clip and gave it a nice subdued matte finish.

Dennis Bible


It seems that I'm the only one who got an SERE 2000 that has an asymmetrical grinded blade.

Go see:

I have called Al Mar knives in Oregon 3 times the past 2 weeks and each time they promissed that I would get an telephone call back, last time I tried yesterday but no call back, besides that I already spend $15 on international telephone charges I have not come further then the receptionist this really sucks

When I asked for an email address so I could send them an email she didn't have one for me, I would get called back.

So if anyone wants a unused NIB SERE 2000 including a Mike Sastre CF Neck/pack sheath (new cost me $35) for $ 150 including priority registered Airmail to the US drop me an email.

I garantee you that I WILL contact you back.




[This message has been edited by Bagheera (edited 12-07-2000).]
I have been interested in the SERE 2000 for a while. After getting the new issue of Tactical Knives today, I read the article about the knife and was so impressed, I got on the telephone and ordered one. I'm looking forward to getting it. It was your article, Jeff that made me make the call.

[This message has been edited by Roller (edited 12-08-2000).]
The SERE 2000 is quite a knife. I have a hard time beleiving that the quality of knife is available for such a low price, especially when you look at some of the other offerings available at the same price! This knife is built just like the imaginary knife I have a picture of in my head. Thick hardened steel liners, sharp spearpoint blade with a good working tip, and absolute solid lockup! I have mine tightened to the point that most people have a hard time opening it, but once they get it gouing it just glides open. I do like it tight! The only thing I would do to change this knife is increase the blade thickness up to 5/32", but that is just personal preference. I would recommend this knife to anyone who ask.
Jeff, loved your article! I really look forward to the stories you pen, thanks!

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12
Is there any benefit in having the false edge on the SERE 2000 besides better penetration?
I too have the asymmetrical grinded blade as what Bagheera has posted.

Is this going to be a problem for me? Do i have to worry about this?

The false edge may make it look like the knife is good for penetration, but I do not feel that this is actually the case.

See the middle of an earlier comment I made, which I will paste in here:

SERE 2000 comment. The things I like about this knife are the deep pocket clip, VG-10 Steel, comfortable handle, good fit and finish, and Jeff Randall’s recommendation. The blade has a nice long working edge, with some belly at the point. The false edge would make for better thrusting, and if you did over stress the knife, it might allow the tip to break off still leaving you with an inch or so of cutting edge. Some people have commented on angles on the knife being less preferable than a flat ground. I would just comment that the edge is flat ground, goes up, tapers in slightly at the back, and in the front tapers in significantly, because of the false edge. If it was flat from edge to back you would have a thicker spine to provide resistance while cutting. Of course you could change angles, etc.
The ambidextrous thumb studs work fine to open the knife. So does a downward wrist snap and roll, possibly because of the careful fit and smoothness. Despite the ability to snap this knife open the blade is securely held in the handle so it will not open accidentally.

My only negative comment on the knife deals with its thrusting ability and that the appearance emphasized this. Sergiusz commented “could be very decent thruster” from looking at the blade shape in a thread here: Actually, appearances are deceiving as this is not true. Ironically this is the only thing I have found wrong with the knife. The shoulders where the false edge meets the spine are at 90 degrees to the point, or in other words are totally flat. Try stabbing a cardboard box to cut out a handle or some similar use. The shoulders grab. I am not sure whether this was done for appearance, because it was to difficult to relieve this shoulder, angle it, or just added cost to relieve it. If it was the cost, I would gladly pay a buck or two extra to angle these shoulders back at 45 degrees or something. I suppose I don’t dislike them enough to get out a diamond hone, especially since I would almost certainly affect the appearance negatively. Think Al Mar would do it?

It appears that there are many forum members that have this knife. What do you thing about these sharp shoulders?

To get back to the positive, this is a excellent knife. Having the clip attach to the end of the knife, not the side, is great. Came sharp.

This comment was posted in this thread:
SERE 2000 review

There were a couple of replies on this point.

I have had the knife for a while and my comments are still generally the same. Since that time I took my X-Course DMT Diamond Hone and rounded off the shoulders, then worked my way to finer diamonds to smooth the finish a little. If anyone else chooses to "improve" their knife this way, I would put some tape along the false edge to protect the finish of the false edge. I did this after I put in my first scratch.

You might also want to tape the edge to somewhat protect yourself from getting cut....of course if you do, don't cut yourself removing the tape. I did not do this....must have been worried I would cut myself removing the tape.
I had not problem, and of course decided on this improvement, after I just stropped the edge, to make it hair popping sharp.

I do recall that when I first sharpened the knife I changed the angle. It now matches my Sharpmaker 204.

Perhaps Jeff Randall will have some more comments on the SERE 2000 when he returns shortly from his trip to Southern Costa Rica. I would be interested in his opinion of the sharp shoulders.

Does anyone else have other knifes with a false edge like this. How do they end (and I do not mean the point end
)? For example, anyone have the Camillus Cuda CQB2S, pictured by BladeForums. From the picture it appears to have a false edge, with shoulders that slope back, from bottom to top, but are the other angles sloped?

I too am a close acquaintance of Mr. Murphy. Luckily, this knife came to me with a fine fit and finish. I do recall, by looking very hard, some slight gap, less than a human hair, where the metal fit together, but nothing even I would complain or worry about. I do not have the knife on me, so I do not recall more exactly. Today, I am carrying the opposite extreme, my knife only weighs 1.4 oz. or 1.6 ounces if you include the slip sheath.

If no one can suggest an alternate address or contact, you could just try snail mail to the address which I assume TK put at the end of the review, as is there usual practice. If you do not have the article, I can look for you. Just send me an email (which should be in my profile) letting me know you need it and I will look at the article for you. I imagine that I will also be revisiting this thread. I just realized I have the box here. The box says Al Mar Knives, P.O. Box 2295, Tualatin, OR 97062 and gives their web site as . I imagine you have this information, since you have the telephone number, but just in case. Would whoever you got the knife from be of any assistance? Good luck! As alluded to above, I can unfortunately empathize from personal experience. Now off to look at your linked picture.

I could not get your link to work, it asked for a password, etc. I note that recently, when including another picture to my knife album, or whatever, that it now gives a link at the bottom, that you need to use to form a link. Copying and pasting the address from the address box, which used to work fine, no longer works, for an individual picture. My album as a whole does not give this information, so I will try pasting in the address from the top box and see if it works. Here is my knife album:
Hi Donald,

I closed my folder with "problems" because I gave up on the Al Mar SERE 2000 and sold the knife to a fellow Scout who didn't care about the "flaw".

I spend to much money calling Al Mar and they each time told me they would call back but didn't! one time I stayed up till 2:30 am ! to wait for their call as Oregon is 9 hours earlier!

I traded my CF River City Neck Sheath towards a ShortKutt survival saw and the Al Mar SERE 2000 experience cost me a good $50
and that's enough for me.

Best Scouting wishes from Holland,


I read the article and was interested in this knife. How would this compare to the Buck Strider?
I've never handled a Strider, but I'd say the SERE 2000 compares well with most any knife.
I'm sure one of the above has played with a Strider and can give you the dirt, though. From what I've seen, though, I doubt the ergonomics are up to snuff, and I'm sure the fit and finish don't compare to the SERE. Few knives do...