Al mar sere 2000 or benchmade 690

Feb 20, 2003
I need help deciding on an everyday carry knife. I have narrowed down to the al mar sere 2000 and the benchmade 690. I like the al mar for its toughness and looks but I worry that its size may make it uncomfortable to carry in my pocket everyday. The 690 is a great looking knife and is smaller than the al mar. The only problem is I worry the wood handle will become scarded up. Please help me with my decision.
These two knives are very different from one another. They are not in the same category of EDC, as far as I am concerned. The 690 is a classier looking knife which is better suited with slacks, or even khakis. I wouldn't consider it a hard use knife.

The S2K is a blue-collar knife, but is no slouch in the looks dept. either. It is a hard use knife, better suited in jeans or other working clothes.

Personally, carrying the 6 oz of Sere 2000 has never bothered me. It really isn't a problem, unless you are accustomed to carrying much smaller knives.
I agree 100% with komondor.

If self defense is part of the reason for your EDC choice then that rules out the 690.

The 690 is not ambidextrous, the Sere is.

However, if you are looking for a a classy office/gentleman's knife then the 690 would be great. The wood handles are quite tough and scratch resistant.

I've carried both. As komondor noted you won't notice the Sere or the 690 when carried.

If it was my choice and it would be my only full time EDC, I'd go with the Sere.

Make sure you handle both to make sure which one feels better in your hand.
SERE: Self-defense, hard use, bigger, and looks much more "tactical."

690: Gentleman's knife, good lines, less likely to freak the non-knife peop;e.

Best choice is to carry both!!!!!!!!!!
I own both of these folders and my opinion won't be different from what the other forum members have said. First of all, the Al Mar SERE 2000 is a beast. This is one if not the best folder to carry that is made today. This knife is meant for serious use and it fits deeply in the pocket and I don't even notice it's there. The liner lock is the strongest liner lock mechanism made today. It won't close on your fingers so dont worry. It has been tested for its strength. I adore mine and its comfortable to use as well. My only flaw maybe that the thumbstuds can be a little uncomfortable for sensitive hands to open at first. The 690 is a classy knife meant for the sharp dressed individual. I however do carry mine in my jeans. It's not meant for survival; just a knife do the usual things knives do like open boxes and cut ropes. The silver blade is nice and the wooden handles make this knife attractive. A lot is going to depend on what you use a knife for. If it's work and self defense, then the Al Mar is the winner hands down. If you are wanting a pretty knife, then you will be hard pressed to find another knife that rivals the looks of the Benchmade 690. I hope this helps
i'd prefer the sere, whereas they can both be a EDC knife, the sere can also be used as a hard working knife while the 690 can't really be. However the 690 looks very nice and if it wasn't right handed only i probably would have bought one a long time ago