Al Mar SERE, mine just arrived! 2nd attempt to post

I don't know what happend to my first post. It just disappeared!!

I just received my new Al Mar SERE and it is GREAT, GREAT, GREAT! The quality, workmanship, smoothness in operation, and overall finish is truely top notch. This knife makes all of my other pocket folders seem second rate (including my Emerson Commander and many many other brands). My choice boiled down between the SERE and LCC. For me, I made the correct decision.

It seems that the entire concept behind the SERE was to make an all buisness folder using top quality components in a no nonsense design. If you are looking for bells, whistles and fancy doo dads, you will not find them on the SERE. If you are looking for an all business, top quality folder, you will find it with the Al Mar SERE.

If I sound like a happy customer - I am one!

[This message has been edited by jayharley (edited 02-03-2001).]
Aug 15, 2000
Congratulations, jayharley.
I hope you got a good price!!!
(Saved money over the Microtech, right?)
You now know what the rest of us know about SEREs.