Al mar warrior

May 14, 2021
I’m trying to verify an Al Mar warrior prototype. The story goes back in the late 80s or early 90s my cousin purchased a warrior knife as there was no marking on it he contacted Mrs. Mar in which she had him measure and weigh on a postal scale to verify it was one of theirs which it was . My cousin no longer has any of the correspondence so I’m reaching out to someone who might be able to help. Mrs Mar asked my cousin if he was to ever sell it to let her know!
Have you tried the contact info for Al Mar?

100 Roe Road,
Travelers Rest, SC, 29690,
United States
I believe Al Mars widow died in 2017.

Hate to state the obvious, but your cousin REALLY should have preserved the correspondence. If it authenticated the knife such communications were of significant value.

And it appears the company has changed owners a few times since Mr. Mars death. Neither the current owner, nor the previous owners were/are Mar family.
Have you tried the contact info for Al Mar?

100 Roe Road,
Travelers Rest, SC, 29690,
United States
I have reached out to them but have received no response
I believe Al Mars widow died in 2017.

Hate to state the obvious, but your cousin REALLY should have preserved the correspondence. If it authenticated the knife such communications were of significant value.

And it appears the company has changed owners a few times since Mr. Mars death. Neither the current owner, nor the previous owners were/are Mar family.
Didnt the Mars have a daughter?
I’m trying to verify an Al Mar warrior prototype. The story goes back in the late 80s or early 90s my cousin purchased a warrior knife as there was no marking on it he contacted Mrs. Mar in which she had him measure and weigh on a postal scale to verify it was one of theirs which it was . My cousin no longer has any of the correspondence so I’m reaching out to someone who might be able to help. Mrs Mar asked my cousin if he was to ever sell it to let her know!

Could you post a photo of this knife? I assume the blade length is 7.25 inches.
If you have a Warrior that has no, or different markings, and it has no fuller, it is likely one of two possibilities;
1- It is indeed a prototype preceeding production
2- It is a Warrior not intended for the U.S. market.

(United Cutlery sold a Taiwan made copy of the Warrior but it had a fuller)

G.Sakai had the right to sell Al Mar knives in the domestic Japanese market and in some cases there were models which did not have the usual AM marks.
I have seen fixed blade SERES that fit this category, so a Warrior would not be outside the realm of possibilities. With a photo I might be able to track it down.
With Al Mar's passing and Fadden's take over, dispute with G.Sakai, dispute with Mrs. Mar, the whole thing got so messy I don't know if there is anyone on that end who could answer your question. Maybe though, so might be worth trying.
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Could you post a photo of this knife? I assume the blade length is 7.25 inches.
If you have a Warrior that has no, or different markings, and it has no fuller, it is likely one of two possibilities;
1- It is indeed a prototype preceeding production
2- It is a Warrior not intended for the U.S. market.

(United Cutlery sold a Taiwan made copy of the Warrior but it had a fuller)

G.Sakai had the right to sell Al Mar knives in the domestic Japanese market and in some cases there were models which did not have the usual AM marks.
I have seen fixed blade SERES that fit this category, so a Warrior would not be outside the realm of possibilities. With a photo I might be able to track it down.
With Al Mar's passing and Fadden's take over, dispute with G.Sakai, dispute with Mrs. Mar, the whole thing got so messy I don't know if there is anyone on that end who could answer your question. Maybe though, so might be worth trying.
I will post a photo with whatever measurements you may need Thank you for the help
The only person alive who could possibly know anything would be RyAnne Mar.

Other options are to get in touch with the Vintage Al Mar Knives group on Facebook. Some of these people knew Al Mar on a personal level and some are specifically collecting Warriors (RyAnne is part of the group).

I have some vintage catalogues that I have made available on and maybe I can help you with your research.

Also the following sources are known:

Battle Blades by Greg Walker goes in fairly good detail on the genesis of the Warrior.

Spyderco made their version of the Warrior which was sold with a booklet detailing more parts of the story:

It is out of stock but I am sure there must some for sale online.

Post some pictures for us and we will be more helpful 😊

Good luck!!
I’m trying to verify an Al Mar warrior prototype. The story goes back in the late 80s or early 90s my cousin purchased a warrior knife as there was no marking on it he contacted Mrs. Mar in which she had him measure and weigh on a postal scale to verify it was one of theirs which it was . My cousin no longer has any of the correspondence so I’m reaching out to someone who might be able to help. Mrs Mar asked my cousin if he was to ever sell it to let her know!
As KenHash mentioned, unmarked does not necessarily mean prototype when it comes to Al Mar knives. Where did your cousin purchase his Warrior? Did it come in a box, and, if so, does he still have it? In addition to pictures of the knife and sheath, a picture of the box would go a long way toward helping identify it.

I understand why you want to ask Al Mar's daughter about the knife, but I highly doubt that she'll be able to help you with any information. You'll get a lot farther with dedicated Al Mar collectors.

Another route can be to contact Jeff Hall from Nemesis Knives, he could be also member of this forum.
‘He purchased some Mar designs and can possibly have info about the Warrior prototype
The only person alive who could possibly know anything would be RyAnne Mar.

Other options are to get in touch with the Vintage Al Mar Knives group on Facebook. Some of these people knew Al Mar on a personal level and some are specifically collecting Warriors (RyAnne is part of the group).

I have some vintage catalogues that I have made available on and maybe I can help you with your research.

Also the following sources are known:

Battle Blades by Greg Walker goes in fairly good detail on the genesis of the Warrior.

Spyderco made their version of the Warrior which was sold with a booklet detailing more parts of the story:

It is out of stock but I am sure there must some for sale online.

Post some pictures for us and we will be more helpful 😊

Good luck!!
Will post pics soon
you can try contacting the folks at Cutlers Cove in Texas. They used to be dealers fro Al Mar knives going back to 1991 and to this day deal in vintage knives only. They were the "go to" Al mar dealer back in the day....
As a registered user, you can post pictures using a picture hosting site. Once you have uploaded a picture to the hosting site, copy the web address of the picture. Note: picture web addresses must end in .jpg or .gif

Then go to your post and click the image tool on the toolbar next to the smiley tool. Click the link icon in the popup. (Looks like a chain.) Paste the picture address into the window. Then click the INSERT button.
Could you post a photo of this knife? I assume the blade length is 7.25 inches.
If you have a Warrior that has no, or different markings, and it has no fuller, it is likely one of two possibilities;
1- It is indeed a prototype preceeding production
2- It is a Warrior not intended for the U.S. market.

(United Cutlery sold a Taiwan made copy of the Warrior but it had a fuller)

G.Sakai had the right to sell Al Mar knives in the domestic Japanese market and in some cases there were models which did not have the usual AM marks.
I have seen fixed blade SERES that fit this category, so a Warrior would not be outside the realm of possibilities. With a photo I might be able to track it down.
With Al Mar's passing and Fadden's take over, dispute with G.Sakai, dispute with Mrs. Mar, the whole thing got so messy I don't know if there is anyone on that end who could answer your question. Maybe though, so might be worth trying.
