Alan Folts, forged Japanese utility blade!

Gary W. Graley

“Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Mar 2, 1999
Well...I am TRULY trying to cut back on buying knives but when this was posted by Otha who is sortof a partner with Alan, they share/work the same sweat shop...:) I just had to email them and collect this knife as it really called out to me in a severe way...
Blade is 4" from tip to copper bolster and is forged from 1090 special steel, added vandadium is the story, very cool clay temper line and the handle carrys the angles of the choil through out the handle, making it an octagonal shaped handle, much like Rob Hudson's style of sorts and makes a great grip being made with Lacewood for the hidden tang handle, the spacer is old micarta and then another copper spacer, the copper really sets it off nice! Take a looky...


closeup of the bolster area...

What a beauty! There is just something about this knife that draws me towards it. I can understand why you just had to have it. It is stunning.
What's that old chinese proverb, the one about the simplest things being the hardest to do well.

I think that applies here... I mean, how many drop point utility knives have we seen... *tons* :yawn: And so few of 'em make us (ME!!!) drool like this. :eek:

Wow, most impressive new toy you have there Mr. Graley.
Mighty cool little blade there. That temperline combined with the very original handle and blade grind make a sweet package. Big thumbs up from where I sit.
I love the bevels on the spine and the ricasso - quite pleasing to the eye and not often seen on drop-point hunters. This looks like one tough blade. Thanks for showing it!
Hey Gary,

Yeah, a knife like that would make me break one of those periodic "no more knives" promises as well:) Clean, simple and very beautiful. The handle brought Hudson to mind for me also. Congrats and thanks for sharing the pics.


I love everything about this knife, except the wood. While it's not bad looking wood, I would prefer well figured ironwood(but, then again, I always prefer ironwood, so just ignore me). :D
The joint betweeen the ricasso and cutting edge is so original. That alone is worth having this knife. Nice score Gary.
That is almost TOO COOL. Very imaginative and what gets me is that it looks so simple, but yet NOT, so clean but yet its got some fantastic lines. Congratulation to Alan Folts for making it, congrats to you for having it !! Cheers.
Thanks guys for the moral support, still lovin' it! I took the blade to my ceramics and then to a strop, the edge it took was breath taking to say the least! YA gotta love Carbon steel blades! Even with the upkeep they require, they are worth the effort!

Thanks again Alan :)

blade closeup...

