All Knives Bright and Beautiful

Oct 20, 2000
All this incessant debate about good knives and bad knives has stirred my imagination.

If I may be so bold as to say that most of my learned colleagues and friends in this forum are of the opinion that no matter what brand of knife you own, the most important thing to consider is: Do you personally like it?

If you do, then other people's opinions are not so important or even not important at all.

Whether it be Sebenza, CRKT, Microtech, Benchmade or Spyderco. You as a buyer and owner must love what you own because you have to live with it.

Some people are easily swayed by others' views. Why is this so?

At the end of the day, a knife is a knife. It is used for cutting and other chores. If you want to stash it in your safe, fine. It is yours to do whatever you want to do it with.

By all means, state your views but there are merits in other knives of other makes as well.

Nobody is all good all the time. That goes for knives, too, I guess.
This is a point that has been raised over and over and I agree that a person should buy knives based on his/her own personal preferences. Knives will work for you that don't for others, and vice versa. It is fine to ask for the advice of others, but one thing I have found is that just because others like/love something doesn't mean that I will. After all is said and done, your opinion will be the only one that matters. If you like a knife it doesn't matter one bit if others don't, and the same can be said if you don't like the knife.