ALL MoFos and Pure Bred Fighters will be shipped by tomorrow!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
All Mister and Uncle MoFos, Satin Finished and Tactical Grade, will be shipped by tomorrow. Also, ALL Pure Bred Fighters (8", 6" and Killer B's) will be shipped by tomorrow!!!!!

Many of you should have them by this weekend!!!!

Thanks boys!

Jerry Thanks!!!! That is sweeeeeet! I have already put my cashiers check in the mail to you...

Wow, gotta love a great company like this!!!
Well now I have a killer bee,and the yellow jacket,maybe I will eventually get the 8 inch killer wasp!
You're the man Jerry!!!!!!!

Polish off the rest of that scotch in celebration of how bad a$$ this announcement is!!!!!
Thank you Jerry.Much appreciate.Maybe I will see you at Shot.very pleased with PBF deal you offered.Looking forward to the knives.
I may get my MoFo,but the MO for the PBF's is still enroute so I guess I'll be getting 2 packages. But then,that just spreads the excitement over several days. Imagine the strain to your ticker if you got the Satin MoFo the PBF's AND the Desert Mofo all at once! It would be INFI shock....squared!


I better send my wife on some errands on Saturday so she's out of the house if they come ;):D:D
Now wait just a minute!! Where's my thanks? Oh, I see......the love is gone when everyone gets their knives.:(

Alright......I understand. I'll just go hide under my desk and cry now. After work I'll just go home and eat until I get fat because I've been forgotten about.

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines weekend.:)


P.S. Fellas.....don't forget to buy your honey something tomorrow! Forgetting would probably put you in the dog house. See, even though everyone forgot about me I'm still looking out for ya!! Talk about customer service!!!!!:D LOL!
Kassi you could never be forgotten. Everyone here knows full well that YOU are the reason these oinkers get their INFI. All of them, and I, are in your debt. Oh and HAPPY PRE-VALENTINE'S DAY :D :D
Yeah BB, we know who really does all the work around there!

I am waiting for the custom variant hand ground by BB... I think it will be called the Satin Babe.
Hi Kassi,
I didn't forget about you.I posted thank you to all at Busse Combat.For the record though Thank you very much for all your help and service when I have called.
p.s Happy Valentines Day
Thanks blade babe!Y'know customer service means everything,and everytime I have ever called kassi is always laughing about something goin on in the office.I dont know if shes laughin at us for spending all our dough on infi or if thats the craziest office to work in but it sounds like you guys are always havin a good time,I like that!
Okay.. I see how it is!!! Where's the love for Shaggi. You know the phrase from the "shake n bake commerical". Well all I have to say is "I helped", But that's okay I will remember who you guys thanked.

Shaggi.... When I talk to Cassi I tell her to give you a "BIG" Hug from me as I hang up.
I'm all about spreading the Love...
If she didn't give you the Hugs, you have several coming.
I'll be glad to get all caught up if we ever meet :D ;)
Hey, we understand that Jerry's like a nuclear disaster and BB and Shaggi are like the HazMat team that gets sent in to clean it up and make the world safe again!:cool: :D :cool: Thank you!

Shaggi.... When I talk to Cassi I tell her to
Chuck, "C"assi, try Kassi. But then I guess little details just don't matter do they Kassi? Like if Chucks next box of INFI just had one tiny little detail wrong on it, like... I don't know .... like ... say MY ADDRESSS on it! Kassi, I'm sure nobody would even notice a little detail like that, Do you?!? :p :rolleyes: :p