Almost extinct...

Feb 3, 2009
...or at least out of production are Spyderco's D2 Para and CRK's small regular Seb. There are a couple places in Canada that still have "some" left, but I can afford only one at the moment.

Does anyone know how many Paras were produced in its sprint run? How about the small regular Seb, any idea or sense of how loaded the market is with them for the time being?

I know there's always the secondary market for Sebs, but for some reason I rarely see smalls for sale (my assumption is that's because people generally find smalls more 'useful' than the large). And probably even fewer regulars than 21s since the regs are now done.

Thanks for your time.
I thought I heard the number 1200 for the D2 Para, but I could be off. Buy one! I love mine...

Thanks sincerely for the info and picture. Amazing that out of the ~160 people who have read my post so far, you're the only one with that knowledge. The number 1200 and pic sold me on the Para D2. Logic dictates that since the economy is sliding fast I will eventually see a few small regular Sebs on the exchange. And for the record, I'm NOT happy about that. All the best.