Am I in trouble?

Jan 9, 1999
Help! My wife, not the most tactically oriented person in the world, asked me for one of my knives the other day for the purpose of extracating herself from a seatbelt. I happily obliged and gave her my Spyderco Rescue. Now I come to find my new Endura in her purse, in addition to the Rescue. I've even caught her eyeballing my new Moran! If she gets flickeitus, we are going to be one annoying couple. I've hidden my Microtechs and about every other knife I have, but now she's informed me that she needs to "inspect" all of my future purchases. What knives would women NOT want to carry, cause I'm gonna start buying them! Either that, or I'm going to start wearing her shoes (alright, I won't go there

No longer in Wonderland,
Chris Raymond
One thing I recommend is to downplay the knife as much as possible and at the same time tighten up the pivot to a degree where she has trouble getting it open.

In my experience most (not all) women seem to shy away from tacticals that look "tactical". An Emerson for instance.
Or perhaps with every knife you buy, you can get her another Spyderco Delica or mini Dyad.

Stay away from the less intimidating albeit more expensive brands.
My wife is into some of my knives as well but not to the extent yours is. Right now(thankfully) she is more talk than anything and I am trying to keep it that way.
Best of luck and remember convenience is a big selling point for women, i.e. the more work involved the less they want it.

God bless!

Romans 10:9-10

"Military" Fans Unite!!
Dude, get over it and enjoy it....

you know guys are dying to get their wives even slightly interested in knives, and here you are, shunning one of mans' greatest fantasies, a woman that enjoys knives. You sick should be happy, and if you don't get happy soon, you might find her out buying knives without you...


She won't go near the Commander because she thinks it'll bite. te-he. Good idea though, that'll limit her to certain lockbacks and the Microtechs, cause I can't find quality spline drive sets. She even cut down her nails so she could open them easier. I've definitely created a monster!


Yeah, I was being semi-sarcastic about it, as it is always good to spread the joy of knives but I've always enjoyed knowing more about SOMETHING than her.


[This message has been edited by CPRaymond (edited 10 May 1999).]
Don't base too much happiness on knowing more than a woman, Chris. Even if it occurs (rare in nature) it doesn't last long.

My girlfriend's new BF Ladybug should be here today!!!!! I'm so happy, but am I creating a monster? Am I toying with forces beyond my comprehension? Or am I just typing melodramatic phrases? You be the judge . . .
Ok, now what about the story behind the story.

WHY, did she need one of your blades "for the purpose of extracating herself from a seatbelt." ? Were the two of you in a car accident? Car on fire? Or, did she just feel like reconfiguring the seatbelt system? Here in may lie the answer to your question of "Am I in trouble?"

I just went to her room to take her a study guide, stopped by the mail room on the way and lo and behold, there was a box from "WOW."
I took it to her unopened so she could have the thrill and she loved it!

She says the knife is beautiful, but she's a little disappointed that it isn't a little larger and lacks a clip. The master plan has begun, nothing can stop it now! Soon the desire for a Delica will grow within her soul, then an Endura, then a Military, AFCK, and within five years she will find a "need" for a trailmaster. Then she is lost and the era of the customs shall dawn. There is no escape from the dark side once the customs hold your soul in their steely grip . . .
After giving my girlfriend my Buck crosslock solitaire and telling hours on an end about the virtues of my sebenza, she isn't interested in an Endura...........she wants an Umfaan! Go figure, but the girl has good taste, a Chris Reeve for your second knife, she really is smarter than me!

Good question. I'll have to take a look at her car. I think she just wants one "just in case". I'll have to get her one of those spring activated punch thingies to break the window as well, now that I think about it. I told her that I thought a Mission MPK would do the job better than the Rescue, but she wouldn't bite
Maybe she has evolved tactically (I really hate that overused term, but I lost my thesaurus), or maybe she's trying to tell me that my driving sucks! Oh, the horror!


Congrats on the Ladybug. CF is cool, isn't it?

BTW, I am spreading our cause to as many people as possible. I gave away three knives to coworkers (used to be sheeple)last week and they about pooped their pants with appreciation. They used to look at me kinda funny when I whipped out my Military, not anymore!


[This message has been edited by CPRaymond (edited 10 May 1999).]
Are you in trouble? No. Are you going to need a second job to buy her knives too? Maybe!

I got tired of my wife asking to borrow my knife all the time so I bought her an MOD Lady Hawk (she picked it out!) and a green BM Leopard. She sold the Leopard for a nice profit and I took the "cost" back and bought her a purple Leopard. She carries them all the time. A few weeks ago she and her twin sister went to a HUGE concert over in the People's Republic of Illinois and both of them asked if they could wear my neck knives. I guess I know what I'm getting them for an early Christmas!
Teach her not to flick your folders, if you're worried that she'll eventually ruin them. If she does that anyway, you could always hide her favorite shoes (cutting them to pieces might be unwise) and when she panics, you can make her swear she won't flick your knives and give her the shoes back. Or do you mean (by "becoming an annoying couple") flicking knives in turns replacing normal chit chat while watching TV?
Mr. Raymond. My considered opinion is this: STOP WHINING!!

The forum has been loaded down with men who have to justify their knife purchases, and you have a wife who actually LIKES KNIVES??

Quick; before she changes her mind, get her a small Sebenza, decorated. And an Umfaan, also decorated. Do you not recognize it when opportunity uses a battering ram on your front door??

Learn to use words like "coordinate", "accessorize", and "matching."

Learn to say things like, "Darling, your decorated Sebenza coordinates so well with nearly all your wardrobe. I wish I didn't have to worry about what goes with G-10."
Saying things like this before your birthday, father's day, and Christmas is recommended.

Act now while you still have the chance. Does your wife have a sister, perchance?

If you really want her to lose interest,just tell her you want her to get into it even more.Reverse Psychology Works well.
Personally,I hope my wife never gets the bug.She knows nothing about it and thinks my microtechs sell for about $50 each. I do nothing to dissuade her.
I have kinda wished my wife would get into knives...even just a little. Then, something in this thread triggered a thought and now I'm not so sure I want her interested in knives.

My wife has EXPENSIVE taste. I've learned to brace myself before looking at the price tag of anything she says she likes.

Chris, You're Set!!
Just take it easy and she'll never be able to give you a hard time about your "purchases." My girlfriend is not a knife fan, she thinks my AFCK, Spydercos, even SAKs, are all scary. Then one day I brought home a Harpy with a S/S handle. The second time she looked at it she told me it was "kind of cute" and she's been carrying it ever since. Go figure. My only concern is that I just ordered a Civilian and I'm worried about what might happen when it arrives.

Chris - GREAT! Now there will be two people that I can corrupt into spending more of your money.


Deo Vindice

Well talk about a women who likes knives, my woman carries a KISS plain edge in her left pocket, and a Beretta half serrated light weight in her right pocket and sometimes wears her new Leatherman Wave I bought her.

She Picked out all these knives cause she thought they were cool,(although I inspected them and made sure the quality was OK before they were bought).

We went to the Solvange Knife show in April and on the way up she wipped out her KISS and showed me how fast she can flick it open .... NOW THATS A WOMAN !!!!

I wipped out the old CS Tanto Voyager and showed her a thing or two, he he he.

Anyway I'm Looking for a self protection knife for her, cause sometimes she leaves the office late and I worry. I may get her (after she sees it and gives me the OK ) a BM 845, it's light, has a 3.9 blade of ATS-55, and a nice grip. ---

Oh well later guys, I hear her doing slashing exercizes in the next room and she's calling me to empty the garbage :-)


[This message has been edited by wll (edited 12 May 1999).]

I didn't even think of this scenario, although she isn't conviced as easily as I to buy a knife
I may have to leave her at home for the Blade show. I would be rather humiliated to have her knocking me over the head with her purse every time you guys prodded me into buying a knife! She keeps heavy things in that bad boy!
