If this is the knife I'm thinking of, one of the more recent ads has the knife superimposed over a combat rifle with some copy about what a great fighting implement it is. It was indeed a beautifully photographed ad -- and the handle, in particular, looked like a very secure gripping surface -- but I have too minor gripes with Ancient Edge:
1. Earlier ads were insulting, saying something like "You've never been in a fight, you've never been in the military, you don't know which end of a knife is up, and we can tell by the knives you buy." The implication was that "real men" or whomever would want one of these Ancient Edge knives so as not to be lumped into the carport commando category -- but the result of the ad was a sneering, arrogant contempt for the very consumers A.E. was probably hoping would buy their product.
2. While it looks like a nice knife, I question how safe it is for a combat blade to lack a guard.
All that said, I wouldn't mind if someone was to give me a Hissatsu. Maybe next Christmas. Gary, I'll have to get in touch with you on a sheath for it. *laugh*
[This message has been edited by Razoredj (edited 01 July 1999).]