And the Winner of the EDI Genesis is ...........

Oct 2, 1998
Bill McWilliams!

Congratualations Bill you just won the EDI Genesis donated by Will Fennel of EDI Knives.

I just sent you an email so claim your prize ASAP!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Lead - Follow or get out of the way!

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I won a Genesis.
Thanks Mike, Will and Bladeforums.
Now, where did I put that Publishers Clearing House Stuff ?
I may be on a roll.
Later, Bill

[This message has been edited by Bill McWilliams (edited 01 December 1998).]
Congrats Bill! Hope you enjoy your new knife. Say, how about sending me the clip, I can always use an extra one in case the one on mine wears out

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

Congats, Bill!!
I hope you use it in good health for a long time.
I guess I'll have to go buy a EDI Genisis since i didn't win it.

So, who is the great company/maker to donate the next giveaway item? And what is it going to be?


Dexter you beat me to it. I was going to ask for the clip also. Everyone knows Bill dislikes clips. Oh well.
Congrats, Bill.

But, Mike......this is the first time I have been around this forum during a draw and the method seems a little odd. No sour grapes..I do not usually enter these things, anyway, but the time zone factor would have to be confusing for anyone living outside your zone. Posts during the evening seem to illustrate this.
And for someone living in a different DATE zone it would be most confusing. F'rinstance, I calculate that many people in my part of the world would be at work on the day following at the time of the draw.
They would seem to be excluded unless they have access to the boss's computer.
I was under the impression that one became an entrant in the process simply by contributing during the month. This would include members who cannot access the internet whenever the fancy takes them.
I submit the above in the spirit of helpfullness and equity and DO realize that you cannot make everybody happy....hey, I'm happy..

Brian W E

Congratulations Bill! Maybe there is hope
Last time the prize went to someone who had only 3 posts....and now you, a prolific contributor!


Thanks for your post. Actually it makes no difference what time zone anyone is in. The fact is, and still remains the same, that the first number past midnight EST is the number we use and it is random and chosen by a member. Since each member is assigned a random number there is no way either I or any member could predict and outcome. My daughter assigns each mamber a random number and then I tell here the number and she digd through the printout to find who won. Pretty simple and very fair. I am always open for suggestions on how to do it differently. Also are there and knife shops in Australia you would like listed on our site?

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Lead - Follow or get out of the way!


I think I catch on, now......I gained the impression from your "looking for a number between ....." post that it all happened between then and shortly after midnight and that you had to be there to "sign in".

As for Oz knife shops, I do not know of any dedicated blade purveyors......mostly knives are a sideline for sporting goods and other shops. With total "no carry without good reson" laws recently passed in a couple of major states (including mine) we will be seeing fewer of those, too.


Brian W E
Man sorry to hear that Brian,

Sounds like you need to move to Florida! Hope all in the land down under gets better for ya. Hope you hang out here a bit I enjoy reading your posts on rec.knives. You seem to have an eye for what is right and wrong. Welcome aboard!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Lead - Follow or get out of the way!

[This message has been edited by Mike Turber (edited 01 December 1998).]
Hi Buddies,
I'm absolutely amazed that I won. I NEVER win stuff....NEVER.
Not only did I win something, that something was a KNIFE !! I'm kinda partial to knives, you know.
Had I won the Illinois lottery instead, well...I'd be even happier because I could buy more knives.
But what I DID win was accomplished by doing nothing more than visiting my favorite forums. A good day indeed, and I needed a bit of luck anyway.
Mike Turber, kiss your daughter for me. Tell her I look just like Geraldo.
Dexter and Blues, I'm gonna really try the knife with the clip. The Cheyenne has actually taught me some benefits of clips.
If it doesn't work out, you have first dibs Dexter, followed by Blues. BTW, I have LOTS of Spyderco clips and a few for Leopard Cubs and BM-3500's. Also a few REKAT clips. You guys ever need one, I've got them for you.
Bob, its amazing that something good happened to such an onerous guy like me.
It gives everybody hope.
Frank, Tom and Brian...thanks for the congratulations. You'll get yours just for being nice. I'm certain of karma.
Later, Bill
Congrats! Glad you won,...and of course we hope you'll enjoy your new GENESIS! Also very glad to hear that you are going to give our 'DEEP POCKET' clip a try, I think you'll like it. Michael and I set out to correct some of what we saw as shortcomings in the 'state of the art' clips out there. I think you'll be suprised. Let us know what you think.

Best Regards,

Will Fennell
President/EDI Knives

Thanks for the sympathy and the kind words.
I would consider moving to Florida but it would have to be somewhere I wasn't going to be kept awake all night by automatic gunfire from all those drug busts .
,of course.
At least, here I don't have to worry about being attacked with a knife or a gun. After all, the bad guys have surrendered them all, haven't they ?

Brian W E
ICQ #21525343

Ya but those Roo's can kick the living $#@% out of ya and I hear those Tazmanian Devils are something firece not to mention the Dingo's

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Lead - Follow or get out of the way!

Florida's nice, and the gunfire doesnt really bother you much, most people are to busy swating at the bugs to even notice it


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