Andrews stag fighter bowie


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 1999
The Postman was nice yesterday. Blade is about 8.5" of forged 1084 with visible temper line. All stainless fittings and stag handle.
Other side. Top edge is not sharp, but could be in about 5 minutes.
Holy Cow man!!!!

danbo, nice #$%^ score man!!!!

What did you want for this one again?

;) :p :D
Okay Danbo, that settles it. I gotta have it! Tell me which of my blades you want me to throw on the pile. Don't hurt me too bad now. :D Racer Roy
This style of knife is one of my very favorite and this one is beautifully done. Stag handles always add big points as far as I am concerned.
Great looking Bowie.I hate to show my ignorance but I'm not familiar with the maker.I sure would appreciate a little info.:) Congrats on a beautiful score.
You sure bagged annother beauty there Danbo - nice lines and great-looking stag. Sweet!


Stumpy, the maker is Russ Andrews. Russ has been making knives for over 30 years. He has some of his work pictured in Knives 81, and there is a nice write up on him in the 1977 Gun Digest Book of Folding Knives. The guy simply makes some of the best knives out there. I know of few makers who put as much time into a knife. This guy will hand rub a Vascowear blade to 1200 grit!

Russ Andrews finally submitted for Journeyman status in the ABS at the 2002 Blade show in Atlanta. Not only did he receive his Journeyman stamp, but he received the George Peck award for best knife submitted by a Journeyman applicant. Jerry Fisk was very impressed with Russ's work, which says a lot.

Russ only makes knives part time, so he doesnt make many knives per year. I find some way to buy or trade for any Andrews knives that I see. I consider Russ to be a good friend, and he is sort of teaching me to make knives(I'm not worthy).
So that's the knife, huh Dan.

Wow. Amazingly, it looks even better that your description would have suggested. That is THE quintessential fighter bowie. Classic, enduring, and flawlessly executed. Trends in the knife world will come and go. Today's kerambit might be tomorrow's pakkawood gut-hook skinner, but a few really spectacular knives like this one will always stand out as the true pieces of cutting art that they are.

With all due respect to Racer Roy and Gundy, I would have to beat you silly if you ever let this one go (unless of course you sold or traded it to me :D ).
You sure have the knack for getting those drop-dead gorgeous stag handled bowies. Has this one supplanted the one you are supposed to be buried with? Or are you having visions of a bowie in each hand as you lay there in your coffin? (by the way, Racer Roy is still selling maps to your burial plot)
Since this blade won the Peck award at 2002 Blade show, did it make the magazine article about the show too?
All in all, I am impressed. I hope that I can see it in person some day... say in March, Janesville Wi. hint hint
Mongo, my good man, this is not the bowie that won the George Peck award for best knife submitted by a Journeyman applicant. That bowie is the cocobolo sweetheart that Racerroy already talked me out of(and yes, that one did make the magazine article). That bowie resides in Racer Roy's sweaty little hands. In fact, he probably has it in his hands and is knifesturbating as we speak. ;)
Yes Danbo, I just lovingly caressed the Andrews with an oil cloth and laid it down for the night next to the Massey bowie that I got from. I measured the shelf and there is just enough room for the stag one. Don't you think that "brothers" should be kept together? I have sold out of maps and now have raised the necessary cash to pay you for the two Bailey Bradshaws. The check is in the mail. :D Racer Roy