
Feb 25, 2008
I am hereby announcing that in three days I will be announcing whether or not I intend to announce that something in my life has changed drastically for the better... or maybe worse.

This post is serving as your official notice that you should either express your congratulations or condolences, whichever you see fit to express at the time of said expression.

The epic-ness of this change is directly proportional to the meaning of the show enititled "Sabado Gigante" on the Spanish Network! In other words, its as big as a GIANT SATURDAY!!!


Disclaimer: nothing is actually changing... just having a bit of fun and poking fun at people who hopefully have a good sense of humor! And... maybe expressing a little bit of envy that some of us are making huge progress!! :D
ouch, lol! i thought this was gonna get a couple'a laughs, but i guess i was mistaken... its alright, even i could learn a little humility!
I made up my mind I on whether or not I thought this thread was funny!
I have also decided that I will tell you what I think....

Just not now!:p
:eek: Mod Sass X 2 :eek:


Hey Tony, the suspense is killing me :mad: So come on, is this thread funny :confused:
Congrats on becoming a dad AbsoluteIndian. I'm assuming thats what the guarded enthusiasm means :D