Another knife give away

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Goat herding fool and resident vermin breeder.
Super Mod
Feb 27, 2001
While Gus is not looking.

This is a Bulldog (two dog stamp) doctor pattern with some unusual handles. Matchstriker pulls, fair to middlin action with half-stops but nothin' to write home about (actually the action kinda sucks, but the knife looks good edited to add the fit kinda sucks too).

Knife is mint (not carried or used).
I will pull this down on Saturday the 25th put all the names in with the goat feed. (Last one eaten wins it. :D)


Edited to correct Freudian slip in my spelling of Bulldog ;)


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Sounds & looks good to me! Sprinkle some black pepper on my name!:D Thanks for the contest!
Hell, I love goats! I'll even kiss one of your goats if I win. Did I mention that I am a Doctor? Doctors need Dr. pattern knives... it's gotta be some kinda rule, right? Ok, enough groveling... well, maybe a little more... did I mention that you are a handsome and kind man? I'm serious.... I will kiss one of Bastid's goats.
thanks for the chance,
Hey, if raising goats counts I raise goats for our high school FFA. Count me in and thanks a goatful...:D

That I shoulda been a Doctor...this might be as close as I ever

Count me in, but soak my entry in Tabasco first... ;)

Thanks for the give-away too, cool! :cool:

I'm not a doctor, Bastid, and I don't play one on TV, but I have played doctor on occasion (last week?).

Please count me in, just put my name in a tin can, the goats need their roughage.

Thanks for supporting our knife habits.
Originally posted by rev_jch
that's really nice of you!!! :)

Ssssh. don't tell anyone - it would ruin my rep around here.:D
Count me in and thanks for the contest, pal. 2-bladed Docs (no spatulas, please) are my favorite pattern, but I've never seen that particular knife. I love the unusual placement of the shield.:)
Smooth move ya Bastid!

As much as I like to play Doctor, considering I've already gotten a knife from Gus, I'm gonna say thanks for the chance, but pass on this one. Best of luck to the rest of you folks.
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