another military question?

Mar 11, 2007
are the nested liners the same across all the different millies CF/BG42 CF/S90V and the current production G-10/s30v?

Edited to add:

if they are I just might have to add an orange millie to the collection and swap the lock side/blade from my S90V millie into it. so then I would have a orange G-10/S90V millie
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yes, they are
however, for the lock to work perfectly, you'll have to swap the support liner & stop pin as well
yes, they are
however, for the lock to work perfectly, you'll have to swap the support liner & stop pin as well

well that is no big deal... I just might have to do that. I have been jonesing for a orange G-10 folder with a supersteel. now I don't have to find a XM-18 :p
You've probably already seen this knife_geek, but here is a swap I did.

Like brj said, make sure you swap the blade and lock together to ensure proper lockup.



yeah I did I was just worried about a CF to G10 switch. I want to be sure they are the same before I go and buy an orange one.