Another plain scabbard kothimoda for $250.

Mar 5, 1999
One only made by Bura, the only guy at BirGorkha who makes these.

17 inches and 24 ounces of perfect khukuri by Bura. Water buffalo shin bone handle cured by Bura himself. It has everything a khukuri should have and more. Edge needs three minutes of stone work to make this a perfect model. Fine little kothimoda style karda and chakma. High quality brown leather scabbard by village sarki. Great rig for $250.

Call or email.
Gentlemen(this includes everyone except Pappy & Semper),
As you know ,I am holding a # of K's for "friends" M43 IS OR WAS my fav.!! This one blew me away!! Mine is the same as this one, whatever Bura did, he did it all right,hurts me to let this get by!! Whoever, sell your first born, give up your girlfriend,sell your car etc.!!! Get this & all other K's are just ... well NOT QUITE GOOD ENOUGH!!
Where's Yvsa? This looks like his cup of tea. Much as I hate to agree with the webfooted one, this is probably one of the most awesome khuks there is. From what I understand Bura takes Kothimodas very, very, seriously, so you can bet the craftsmanship on this one is breathtaking.

Ferrous has sent me my total for the two Scramaseaxs plus rune etching. If not for that, I'd be on this one like, like, well, like ducks on June bugs.:rolleyes: ;) :D

HOLD ON,WAIT A MINUTE!! I MUST BE NUTS!!Guys forget what I posted!! "THIS K,"STINKS, BAL. OFF,WAVY LINES,NOT SHARP,OFF CENTER!! Bill,will have to ck tonight to see if I can ahhhh, PROTECT the great friends of mine on this forum from making a mistake & getting this!:D
Being a GREAT GUY :D ;) will see if I can get this to help these guys!! Will ck. back on the night crew!!
PEANUTS!! AT THE CONVENTION!! :( SNIFF!! Wait a minute.... I still have time to...! Bill!! How about ME sending you BEER NUTS & A CASE OF H!!:D :D See ,I'm always thinked about my dear ole Uncle!!:DHere's what you do,mail me the K,I'll look it over & send it back with an EXTRA CASE OF H!! :D :D oF COURSE THINGS DO.....GET LOST... IN THE MAIL!These guys wouldn't like this K anyway! Ahhh, if my idea is not valid,how many cases of Cas,Pecans,Brazils do you want!! Crap!! All this time I've been sending $$$ & it could have been Squirrel food all this time!! Course then THAT TREE HUGGER,would have camped out waiting for handouts!!
aggggggggghhhhhhh! Noooooooooooo! SNIF!:( i was gonna.......CRAP!!
jim:grumpy: :mad: : :grumpy: :grumpy: :( :mad:
**** I just kicked the desk& I'm barefooted!AWWW! CRAP!!!!!
Originally posted by jim_l_clifton
aggggggggghhhhhhh! Noooooooooooo! SNIF!:( i was gonna.......CRAP!!
jim:grumpy: :mad: : :grumpy: :grumpy: :( :mad:
**** I just kicked the desk& I'm barefooted!AWWW! CRAP!!!!!

HEE!! :D:D:D