How To Another use found for the SAK parcel hook

Oct 28, 2017
The most recent SAK parcel hook thread dates back to 2014, so I resisted the temptation to resurrect the dead. ;)

It’s bootlace related, but not the usual tightening application, which itself is great in harsh winter environments, when everything is numbed to buggery and when your laces are wet and/or frozen.

I used a really good new pair of gaiters, made by ‘Rab’, a week or so ago on a winter climbing trip. As is often the case, the gaiter attaches with a tape under the heel, and a hook that hooks underneath the bottom or penultimate lace loop. This requires lifting up that loop, on a boot that is already tightened and tied.

Enter the SAK parcel hook! :D

It worked splendidly. Anybody else got some niche hook uses?
that's quick thinking :)
like the time i had lowered a pizza box.
one floor down,
(that's hook, line and pizza for you)
now that was dumb,
considering that i could have well lost the SAK
by some gulping monster below...
never mind the expected change :)
Two tasks I have used my sak hook for, firstly the chain derailed on my bike the hook picked it up and allowed me to drop it on the chain ring , another time after brewing coffee in my espresso pot and wishing to move the still hot trivet to another burner, the sak hook came to the rescue , it is surprising the amount of things your sak can help out with. Perhaps it is an age thing but I find myself looking at any task that presents itself and thinking "This is a job for my Compact" and I have to say it is a bundle of fun.