Any Darrell Ralph Mad Max owners?

Jul 1, 2006
Anyone here own a DDR Mad Max? I just got on the list, made my $200 deposit for a Mad Max III with 3" blade, titanium handle with carbon fiber inlay, and the spring assisted opening (bowie blade). Price will be a total of $725 with a 3-6 month wait. From what I've heard/seen it will be worth the wait.
I am green with envy...not green with money otherwise I would be with you on the waiting list.
I have a Static Maxx and a Mad Maxx II. They are both well built knives.

I am curious, though, why you made a deposit on it? It is just a normal order and I wonder if a deposit was required?
I have a 4" unassisted Mad Maxx III with spear point and it is a sweet knife: tight lockup, perfect grinds and perfectly centered.
Darrel makes a nice knife. I've got 2 3 inch MM's. One w/ironwood, no assist and one w/CF insert and the spring assit. The CF one is a safe queen but I use the ironwood one all the time- I've had it couple of years now and no issues whatsoever. Enjoy the new knife (when it comes!).
Not a MM ,but I just ordered a Gunhammer Radian,can't wait to get it !!